The Llano Ledger

Newsletter Text V140
March 4, 2002

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Bush Nixes Superfund
Executive Responsibility
Israelis Wound Two Pregnant Palestinian Women
Long Reach Of Bush "Administration"
Inexcusable Incompetence
Military Tribunals
Give An Inch, Take A Mile
Repairing The Damage
Supreme Court Upholds Church-State Separation
Government Waste
Let 'Em Eat Cake
Muslims Unimpressed With U.S.
Europeans Wavering
Klee's Kaleidoscope
Unbridled Fear

Bush Nixes Superfund

Who says the GOP isn't the party of big business and the rich?  Since 1995 the Republican-controlled House refused to renew Superfund taxes.  Why?  These funds are used to clean up the environment.  … An environment polluted by Corporate America and its seemingly endless greed.  The "President" has announced he will not seek renewal of the Superfund Act passed in 1980 and expired since 1995.

Got to take care of the Good Ole' Boys lining the pockets of Die Fuhrer and his henchmen.  Money talks, BS walks.  Right, George?  Responsibility is reserved for the unwashed masses.  Not greedy corporate polluters.

The Fascist Right has long whined corporations don't pay taxes, people do.  They're right.  For two reasons.  First, tax laws are designed so many corporations pay no corporate taxes at all.  Those that do, seldom pay more than 10-12% and easily pass it on to consumers.  Want to end the nonsense?

Tax them to the point where they can no longer dump it on the bottom of the food chain and have to start eating it themselves.  If that's insufficient, heavily penalize them until they do.  Just as importantly, heavily tax assets transferred overseas to discourage relocation.

There are always ways to force the greedy to pay their fair share.  Sadly, there is absolutely no willingness to do so.  Pointedly, our legislators are bought and paid for and will do nothing to correct the inequities.  Other than directly stealing taxpayer funds, how else can they so easily line their pockets?

Executive Responsibility

Stung by criticism regarding the Enron debacle, the jackass occupying the White House is looking for ways to hold corporate executives responsible for misleading shareholders.  Duh.  … Hey, George?  What the hell took you so long?  -- Too busy lining your pockets to give a damn about people losing 401(k) benefits?

Israelis Wound Two Pregnant Palestinian Women

In two separate checkpoint incidents, Israelis deliberately wounded two Palestinian women, both pregnant.   -- Seeking pregnancy-related medical care when shot.  Why is the United States funding and providing weapons to an increasingly lawless Israeli state?   When will taxpayers finally wake up and force badly needed change?

Long Reach Of Bush "Administration"

The "President" is considering prosecuting those responsible for the kidnapping and murder of Wall Street Journal reporter Daniel Pearl.  Commendable, no?  At first glance.  … Think again.  The crime occurred in Afghanistan.

For over twenty years, the American government has been using federal statutes allowing prosecution of foreigners who kill American citizens overseas.  The crimes don't even have to occur at locations considered "American soil" such as embassies.

Highly questionable whether this approach is indeed constitutional.  Traditionally, U.S. sovereignty applied only to U.S. soil or locations considered U.S. "soil".   Apparently, it now extends throughout the universe.  While this may not be patently offensive in the case of Pearl's murder, consider how abusive this approach can become if allowed to proceed to its natural conclusion.

Where do we draw the line?  Readers are reminded American women were forced to go overseas in the Sixties for abortions before Roe.  Suppose abortion once again becomes illegal in the U.S..  Could statutes allowing prosecution of Pearl's killers be expanded and used to prosecute American women who leave our shores to abort?  What other "unacceptable" behavior will be outlawed, such as therapeutic cloning, leading American citizens to go overseas, -- only later to be prosecuted here for what is legal elsewhere?  Where indeed is the limit of American sovereignty?   When will other nations finally understand the threat to their own?

Certainly an interesting and dangerous issue as a fascist, appointed "President", continues to consolidate power and impose an imperial presidency.  If the U.S. arrogantly exerts universal sovereignty, what happens when other nations do the same?  Think our government would cooperate and turn over one of their own should one of our officials be indicted overseas as a "terrorist" in retaliation?

Inexcusable Incompetence

No limit to ineptness if an AP article dated Feb. 26 is true.  Seems the Secret Service left some paperwork detailing closing ceremony security arrangements for Vice President "Slick Dick" Cheney at a souvenir shop near Rice-Eccles Stadium.  Agents were in the store purchasing $11 Olympics hats.  … Apparently,  the "President's" dazzling brilliance is beginning to rub off on our best and brightest.  Go figure.  Worse yet, the Secret Service is angry as hell the store owner reported the incident to the media.  Tough, isn't it?

Military Tribunals

Apparently, the Bush "Administration" is feeling some heat regarding military tribunals and seems to be backing off.  On Feb. 26, the Pentagon indicated among some 500 prisoners, none are candidates for such treatment.  Interesting, no?  Opposition has been fierce overseas, as well as by civil liberties groups here.  As arrogant as the jackass occupying the White House is, there are limits to his willingness to buck stiff resistance.  An exposed flank, tender and well-protected by Die Fuhrer and his henchmen.  … Hey, George?  -- "You 'ain't' seen 'nuttin' yet."  Wait until Americans start dying in Iraq.

Give An Inch, Take A Mile

Amazing how repressive the Extreme Right can be after it tastes blood.  With the effort in Afghanistan supposedly going so well, the Aryan arrogant among us want the "Administration" to now target domestic "ecoterrorists".  Specifically animal rights groups and environmentalists.  … Who'd a 'thunk' it, no?

While PETA and others are a continuous pain in the ass and public irritant, are we now ready to take "military" action against a group of lunatics usually only guilty of occupying billboards, chaining themselves to trees, or hurling paint on expensive fur coats?  What's next?  People who part their hair on the wrong side or are politically incorrect?

All joking aside, prosecute the violent or those who inflict property damage.  Leave others the hell alone.   … Glaringly impossible in a country full of self-righteous outrageously controlling morons, -- walking around with a stick securely lodged up a bodily orifice seldom seeing the light of day.

Repairing The Damage

South Korea and Japan are scrambling to undo damage done by the "Chief Executive" during his recent tour of Asia.  Despite months of pounding the dolt on this website, still hard to believe Mr. Bush is as aggressively stupid as he clearly is.  The lack of substance is stunning.  His "axis of evil" remarks have set back rapprochement with North Korea indefinitely.  What could he possibly be thinking?  The North accused him of being on a "war junket".  Sadly and outrageously, they're right.

What we're beginning to see here is a throwback to the McCarthy-like atmosphere of the 50's.  Mr. Bush, like Daddy, apparently has to have an enemy.  … Especially, since the failure of communism and the Soviet bloc has left such a deep vacuum in the hearts and minds of the fascist element here.  Who else can they hate and direct their bigoted venom against?  Without an enemy, they have no substance, agenda, or purpose.

Supreme Court Upholds Church-State Separation

Indirectly and to its credit, a usually fascist court let stand without comment ACLU efforts to spare Indiana public buildings and property monuments to the Ten Commandments.  Here, here.  About time.  They belong in church and on private property.  Funding and maintaining them on government property breaches First Amendment prohibitions on church-state separation and establishment of religion.

Why do "religious" fascists desperately seek to impose their spiritual and moral views on others?  Christ himself took great pains to do otherwise.  Never imposed his beliefs.  Never forced anything on anyone.  Where the hell do these outrageous hypocrites get off doing the opposite? (To read more on this topic click here.)

Government Waste

There is no expedient to which government will not go to squander taxpayer dollars.  Assistant Secretary of State Rand Beers in a recent briefing lamented the lack of any effect on price and availability of cocaine here despite expenditure of over $1 billion in Columbia to thwart trafficking efforts.  Duh.  Wake up Mr. Beers.  The drug war is, was, and always will be a failure.  … Just as alcohol prohibition was in the 20's.

Want to cut down on trafficking?  Disband narcotics task forces nationwide.  They're in the drug business, you jackass.  Case in point?  The 33rd Judicial District Narcotics Enforcement Team (NET).  Sadly, these corrupt and abusive "officers" are manufacturing and distributing methamphetamine according to dozens of credible sources too cowardly to allow publication of their identity.

Let 'Em Eat Cake

White-collar welfare is alive and well.  After all, "personal responsibility" is reserved for the unwashed masses.  Not government officials.  Particularly, "Administration" lapdogs such as Homeland Security Chief Tom Ridge.  Readers are reminded Ridge is former governor of Pennsylvania.

Mr. Ridge has seen fit to accept free lodging for his family in the governor's mansion during the four months since he left office.  Sadly, the gratuity appears to be lawful.  Interesting, isn't it?  Hypocritical as well.   In 1996, the former governor unsuccessfully tried to eliminate a program that assisted the unemployed to pay their mortgages.

Apparently to Republicans, as long as they get theirs, the hell with everyone else.  Had Mr. Ridge any personal honor and/or integrity, he would not have accepted the assistance and even now should reimburse the State of Pennsylvania.  Then again, politicians of any party are not particularly well known for their consistency and prudent use of taxpayer funds.

Muslims Unimpressed With U.S.

A recent Gallup poll indicates citizens of nine Muslim nations aren't particularly pleased with Mr. Bush and "Administration" policy.  Interestingly, they consider the U.S. "ruthless and arrogant".   … Couldn't imagine why, no?  Comes as a blow, however, to Mr. Bush who has tried unsuccessfully to convince them of American benevolence.  … As American-supplied F-16s and Apache attack helicopters are used by Israeli thugs to kill innocent Palestinians, and the American government refuses to accept responsibility for hundreds if not thousands of "collateral damage" deaths in Afghanistan.

Europeans Wavering

Europeans aren't particularly impressed with the "President" and his willingness to go it alone regarding the war against terrorism.  Support is wavering as Mr. Bush becomes more and more bellicose.  American arrogance and unilateral imposition of policy are of growing concern to our allies.  They fear where the war is going and believe the United States may be becoming the aggressor.

Spanish El Pais columnist Rosa Montero recently wrote: "One of the most harmful aspects of American society is its Calvinist notion of vengeance … the primitive 'eye for an eye' of frontier law, the moral intolerance."  Sadly, she's right.  When will Mr. Bush be satisfied the war is won?  What is the definition of victory? The endgame?

Prior to September 11, an open-ended conflict with no game plan nor precise definition of goals would have been unthinkable.  Today, the opposite is true.  The American people presently willingly give the fascist occupying the White House carte blanche to do as he pleases.  Frightening.  Not surprisingly, Die Fuhrer is craftily taking advantage of the aggressive stupidity of the American people to consolidate power and destroy civil liberties as the United States becomes a fascist police state. Working definition of fascism for new readers?  An abusive and dangerous oligarchy based on a pernicious blend of government, big business, and religion.  ... A boot-heel cynically placed on the throat of the masses, justified in principle by perversion and bastardization of religion.

Klee's Kaleidoscope

Be sure to click on Klee's Kaleidoscope for Harvey Klee's latest edition.  This publication is a forum for a diversity of viewpoints. All are encouraged to submit material. 

Unbridled Fear

As strongly asserted in the last 44 editions, gut-wrenching fear generated by the Narcotics Enforcement Team is quite impressive. After all, these Nazi stormtroopers not only outrageously intimidate defendants and their gutless attorneys, but even innocent third parties who have suffered at their corrupt and abusive hands.

Recently, a source came forward with allegations regarding the death of a loved one under exceptionally curious circumstances. Sadly, the survivor got cold feet.

Most pointedly and quite publicly, how in hell do you expect these abuses to end if you don't have the guts to stand up and expose them to the light of day?

Every time a source cowardly runs the other way, the corrupt and abusive sons of bitches win. Every g-ddamned time. Worse yet, another nail is driven into the coffin of liberty.

If you don't have the courage to stand up and do the right thing, why should this writer continue to place himself in physical and legal jeopardy trying to expose the outrageous corruption and abuse?

Tim Chorney, Publisher
The Llano Ledger

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Tim Chorney, Publisher
P.O. Box 997
Buchanan Dam Tx. 78609