The Llano Ledger

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Tim Chorney, Publisher
The Llano Ledger

*************December 25, 2001************

Fleetingly, the last deliciously warm glow of sunlight bathed Purr's fur as he quietly and contentedly slept on the window sill. The tough old tomcat loved comfy cozy places and especially enjoyed napping before dinner. Paws quickly peddling as he dreamed of chasing a zigzagging cottontail, suddenly the smell of beef stew cooking on the stove overtook slumber and gently woke him. -- As he struggled to open first one eye and then the other. He was a tired old puss and greatly treasured his beauty sleep, -- as every cat with any measure of self-esteem.

Not surprisingly, food was a prime mover and sleep could wait. His mistress had managed to take good care of him, always making sure he had enough to eat. ... Often, going without herself. Lahna spoiled him rotten though. Treated him more like a kid than the tough old feline he was. -- Consequently and to her delight, he usually behaved as a "son" and not as most rough and tumble toms. ... Told him constantly he was the best cat she ever had. Purr would vainly look at her with a "grin" ear to ear as if to say: "Yeah, I knooooowwwww."

Shaking off the vestiges of sleep, the aging feline gingerly got up and stretched letting out a grown as the stiffness in his joints took their toll. Off to the kitchen and the source of that delectable aroma he knew was dinner. "Reoooow?", he politely inquired sauntering up to his mistress as she went to the fridge to get some milk for her most loyal companion. "Well, Purr, it's almost dinner, honey. Hungry?", said the frail elderly women as she filled his bowl. "Reeoowww!"

The tough old tomcat didn't need a second invitation. Nothing beat his mistress' home cooking. Nothing. Not even the feline delicacies he was so adept at securing, much to the chagrin of his best friend and mentor. ... Lahna wasn't terribly happy about the bird hunting and a few of his other "bad habits", always lovingly but disapprovingly reminding him. -- "Hell, what's a self-respecting cat supposed to do?", he always thought to himself.

Compounding the problem, she hardly let him go out any more, fearing he'd get hurt in a fight or run over by a car. He sadly spent his time inside, dreaming of past conquests and glory. Lovingly, Lahna had prepared a special meal since it was Christmas Eve and she didn't know how many more they'd share together. Both were gracefully growing old, and she treasured every moment they had.

Purr, remembering last year's remarkable festivities, especially looked forward to Christmas this year as Lahna put up and decorated an artificial tree after dinner. He was immensely attracted to the dazzling lights and shiny glass balls decorating the tree. Like a moth to a flame. He raised a paw and began to box one playfully as Lahna told him to behave himself and be a good boy. ... She knew mischief was the function of any tomcat worth his salt, however, and let him continue.

... Things went a little too far though as he sneakily backed up to the tree... "Puurrrrrr! DON'T you dare!", she hollered as he reconsidered the wisdom of what he was about to do. After all, "How's a cat supposed to let everyone know what's his?," he thought to himself. "Damn...", he quietly "muttered" as he wisely and quickly moved to the sill and out of her glare.

As Purr and Lahna aged she became more and more protective of him. ... And him of her. -- But, it got to be a bit much. Especially, when she wouldn't let him go on his daily jaunts any longer. A real sore point for a proud old puss. Something had to change. After all, how could a grizzled, battle-scarred, fun-loving rabble rouser have any self respect when he could no longer go out and soundly kick every cat and dog's ass in the neighborhood?

As much as she needed him, -- and him her, he grew restless and weary of the restrictions. Sadly, he sat on the sill and watched the world go by, thinking of better days long since gone. "Funny", he thought to himself, "how humans feel so useless and isolated as they grow older." The same was certainly true of tough old tomcats. After all, Lahna had talked about life and its foibles for years, not realizing he understood much more than she could have ever known.

She told him how lonely and unwanted she felt as children and grandchildren forgot holiday after holiday. He was all she really had. The old puss understood and loved her dearly. Yet, he still had a few wild oats to sow. ... Ahem... so to speak. And he was bound and determined. After all, a tomcat can't be what a tomcat is, or at least was, if he has no freedom to do what only he can do best...

The sun had already set and darkness was quickly sweeping the cold winter landscape when dinner was finished, last dishes put away, and the tree decorated. All with Purr's dutiful "assistance". The elderly woman wasn't feeling particularly well though when he decided it was time to curl up in her lap in front of the fire that lonely Christmas Eve.

"Purr, I hope we make it another year," whispered Lahna sadly as she ran her gnarled fingers through his immaculately well-groomed fur. Indeed, her body was racked with pain. Often, a choice had to be made between buying food or medication. -- She never knew how they would make it. They just did. Barely.

September 11 made quite a change in the community, however. While food banks and other charities were hurting nationwide, she was pleasantly surprised when her neighbors started looking in on her and Purr every now and then. Even dropped off food occasionally. -- Food, she and her loving tomcat desperately needed. A few had even invited her to Christmas dinner. Politely, she declined. Didn't want to leave the house, -- or Purr, even for a little while.

As night fell, she and her best friend dozed in front of the boob tube. Christmas music cheerfully played and the heat of the fire felt good. She and Purr, however, were gently roused from a deep sleep as the caroling grew louder and louder. Suddenly there was a knock and the old tomcat protectively got up and ran to the door. "Purr, we were just dreaming, honey. Go back to sleep", said Lahna as the elderly feline let out a loud "Reeeeooowww!" as another knock could be heard. This one more insistent than the first.

"Okay, Purr, I'll get it, I'll get it," assured Lahna as the old cat grew increasingly impatient. She struggled to her feet and slowly made her way to the door. "What the hell is going on?", Purr thought to himself as his mistress finally reached the door. As it turned out, it was an evening neither would quickly forget.

As Lahna greeted her visitors, the singing intensified in spirit and everyone yelled "Merry Christmas! Merry Christmas, Grandma!". Tears streaming down her face, she asked her kind and generous neighbors to come in. They had brought gifts and food. Lots of food.

Purr couldn't believe their good fortune, but was taken aback by all the noise and commotion. ... Cats being creatures of habit, he was surprised at all the attention and people trying to pet him.

Gracious and graceful as he always was though, the old puss took it in stride. Nothing ever got by him, and he quickly noticed the cute young thing slip in with one of the carolers. He watched her always from the sill for months as she romped and chased birds daily in his yard. She never failed to come up to the window to say hello. Sadly, Lahna wouldn't let him go out any longer and wasn't even aware of their daily encounter.

... What the hell was a tomcat to do? Purr sadly scratched the window pane in vain, while Lahna sternly and repeatedly told him to be good. "Good for what?", cynically thought the tough old puss. Now, things had finally changed for the better as he majestically strutted over to meet his feline friend. Getting away from the crowd, both jumped on the sill and warmly nuzzled. Lahna, smiling wanly, saw how truly happy he was greeting the cute young lass and finally understood what his problem was all these months.

Suddenly, both bundles of joy were distracted by a warm red glow in the yard and couldn't believe their eyes when a man dressed in red, sporting an empty sack and a long white beard turned and waved to both as he hurriedly jumped onto a sleigh.

... Second year in a row for Purr, who had a most similar encounter the year before. Hell, he wouldn't have believed it had he not seen it himself, -- twice. ... There was something, after all, to this thing about the "magic" of the Season. Undoubtedly so.

Couldn't have wished for a better Christmas though as he lovingly nuzzled his companion. Deftly raised a paw and gently held it on the pane as the jolly big elf smiled broadly and quickly went on his way. The soft tinkling of bells could be heard as Lahna lovingly caressed both cats and looked out the window in stunned amazement. ... Nothing would ever be quite the same again.

Tim Chorney, Publisher
The Llano Ledger

Tim Chorney, Publisher
P.O. Box 997
Buchanan Dam Tx. 78609