The Llano Ledger

Newsletter Text V129


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Tim Chorney, Publisher
The Llano Ledger

*************December 17, 2001************

*****U.S. Kills U.N. Terror Resolution*****

That's right. The United States vetoed a Security Council resolution condemning "acts of terror" against Palestinians and Israelis. Why? Ole' George "The Tush" did not like the wording since it was not heavily biased in favor of Israel. Britain and Norway abstained. With the exception of the U.S., twelve other nations supported the measure.

Interestingly, the United States vetoed six resolutions in the last eleven years. Why? All six dealt with the Palestinian-Israeli conflict. Sadly, this country is not an honest unbiased broker in the Middle East. Precisely why terrorism is directed against Americans. While there is NO justification for terror, there are reasons why it occurs. Americans remain too arrogant, however, to carefully look themselves in the mirror.

The "President" continues to dismiss terrorist activity as an attack on freedom. His view would be laughable if not so tragic and costly in terms of lives lost and human misery. While the United States will win the war, the root causes have not been addressed or resolved. Sadly, there will be others to take the place of bin Laden and his cohorts. Until the United States changes policy and becomes evenhanded in the Middle East, expect continuing terrorist activity and loss of life.

*****Bush Crony Asks European Union To Cut Aid To "Corrupt" Arafat Regime*****

That's right. Pentagon Defense Policy Board head Richard Perle pressured Europe to drop some $160 million in aid to the Palestinians, accusing Arafat of being corrupt. ... Hey, Dick? Sure you really want that, you dolt? Who will you deal with should Arafat fall? Someone far more radical from Hamas?

Corruption? Why not take a closer look at Israel? How about calling for a detailed independent audit of the billions dumped on a state that wantonly uses American-supplied F-16's and Apache attack helicopters to kill Palestinians? When will you call for a criminal, or better yet a war crimes investigation of Israeli government goons who routinely assassinate Palestinian officials? Why not start with Sharon who has a long and colorful history of terrorism?

Israel, emboldened by the fascist occupying the White House, has launched new attacks against the Palestinians, continuing the killing and bulldozing of homes. Yet, Mr. Bush remains deafeningly and cowardly silent regarding Israeli perpetrated atrocities. Outrageously and foolishly, the "President" refuses to remove his head from his rump, disingenuously accusing Arafat of refusing to arrest "killers and people who would derail the peace process."

... Hey, George? Wake up, you jackass. There is NO peace process. Neither you nor the war criminal heading the Israeli government want one. It's Sharon's way or none, right, Mr. "President"? Palestinians must be content to live under the corrupt and abusive Israeli thumb, right, sir? When will the United States insist Israel withdraw to its pre-1967 borders? Including Jerusalem?

Ole' George falsely dismisses terror as an attack on "freedom" because it is convenient and easy. Pointedly, no fascist or "conservative" is capable of examining issues in depth. They seek oversimplistic explanations and solutions to enormously difficult problems. Middle Eastern issues are no exception. Precisely why there will be no end to war in the Middle East, -- nor will there be an end to terrorism directed against Americans even after the war in Afghanistan is "won".

*****"President" Invokes Executive Privilege*****

Ole' George cannot and will not tolerate Congressional oversight of the Executive Branch. Checks and balances mean nothing to an appointed dolt determined to impose his fascist agenda. The Imperial "President" refused compliance with a congressional subpoena seeking "Justice" Department records germane to high profile cases. Can't have that, now can we, George? Got to protect the Good Old Boys abusing their power, no, Mr. "President"? Open government? What the hell's that? This refusal of compliance is just the latest in a series of measures imposed to strengthen and consolidate power in the Executive Branch. ... Remarkably reminiscent of Richard Nixon, no?

*****"President" Links Terrorists To Drug Trade*****

Nothing quite like symbolism over substance, no? Ole' George "The Tush" has conveniently linked terrorism to drugs: "If you quit drugs, you join the fight against terrorism." Is that right, Mr. "President"? While drug running does indeed partially finance international terrorism, the "Chief Executive" conveniently ignores an even more ominous truth regarding drug prohibition. The "war" on drugs has corrupted law enforcement. Officers indeed deal and personally pocket money from sales. They personally use drugs. They plant false evidence and shake down innocent citizens.

Egregious case in point? The 33rd Judicial District Narcotics Enforcement Team (NET). Outrageously, NET goons remain involved in the manufacture and distribution of methamphetamine. They are domestic terrorists the jackass in the White House conveniently ignores in his zeal to establish a fascist police state. Readers should clearly understand this writer is against all drug abuse, including legal substances such as alcohol, tobacco, and prescription drugs. Drug prohibition, however, has had the same and even worse consequences than alcohol prohibition of the Twenties.

The fascist occupying the White House disingenuously crowed: "Over time, drugs rob men, women and children of their dignity and of their character." So do corrupt and abusive "officers", George. Most pointedly, so does a fascist police state imposed by a "religious" zealot determined to impose his morality and values on others. Wake up, you jackass. You're an outrageous embarrassment to the country.

*****Improper Searches*****

To protect travelers from terrorist attack, new search procedures have been imposed at our airports. Sadly, these procedures have gone too far in many cases. Passengers and airliner crewmembers have been fondled and groped by airport screeners, targeted for improper searches whether or not they protested. Abuses have been so outrageous the Association of Flight Attendants sent a letter of complaint to Transportation Secretary Norman Mineta. According to the complaint, one female attendant was asked to strip surrounded by National Guardsmen. Mineta has yet to respond. If this and numerous other charges are true, think prosecutors will file sexual assault charges? ... In fascist America? After all, it's "security", isn't it? We're at war, aren't we? Anything goes, doesn't it?

*****State Jail Abuses*****

Most Texans have no affection for the American Civil Liberties Union. ... Until their rights are outrageously abused. Then, it's too late, -- but wouldn't want to confuse the brain-dead with the truth, would we? Despite the fact the ACLU is but a small shell of what it used to be, there are few other organizations looking out for civil liberties and rights.

Think it proper for hundreds of people to be detained for hours or even days after being found not guilty by a court? Subjected to strip searches after being acquitted? Never happen in the United States? Wake up. It happened previously in Los Angeles County costing government some $27 million in a lawsuit.

Now, apparently the same kind of thing is going on in Hawaii at the O'ahu Community Correctional Center. The ACLU has filed suit. ... For you determinedly aggressively stupid jackasses out there who mindlessly insist on supporting corrupt and abusive law enforcement, can only hope you get yours.

*****"Dead Or Alive, Either Way"*****

-- That's right, according to the "President" and regarding bin Laden. Sounds remarkably like "Christian" "charity", doesn't it? ... This coming from a "religious" fascist who as governor of Texas mimicked Carla Faye Tucker shortly before her execution. Then again, hypocrisy is always expected from those determined to force their beliefs and "morality" on others. While bin Laden must indeed be killed or captured, the "President" should insist he be brought to justice if at all possible. Then again, the "Chief Executive" has no interest in justice, nor the rule of law. What fascist does? Sadly, he prefers kangaroo courts with no due process. .... Hey, George? Why bother? After all, we all know the son of a bitch is guilty as hell. Why not just line him up against a wall and shoot him? Precisely why you could care less whether the bastard is killed in action or indeed captured. Adolph and Benito would have been proud, sir. You follow well in their footsteps. Justice? What the hell's that, right, Mr. "President"?

*****Prosecutorial Focus On Al Qaeda*****

U. S. Attorney General John Ashcroft appears intent on making the trial of Zacarias Moussaoui, accused of conspiracy in the 9/11 hijackings, an international courtroom spectacle. ... Despite his hypocritical assertion military tribunals would avoid precisely this type of public pageantry. Apparently, the political uproar regarding the kangaroo nature of tribunals has had an effect on the fascist occupying the White House and his henchmen.

Reportedly, the six-count indictment of Moussaoui includes virtually no direct evidence linking him to the 19 hijackers. This despite assertions in the charges that he had trained in an al Qaeda camp and received allegedly thousands from an al Qaeda operative located in Germany.

Four of the charges can result in the death penalty and prosecutors are publicly putting out the word they hope this pressure will force Moussaoui to cooperate. Since his arrest he has not and remained silent. If the case against bin Laden and al Qaeda is indeed as strong as the Bush "Administration" contends, why would they need his cooperation?

The "Justice" Department is determined to have him tried in Virginia rather than New York, since it will be far easier to convict and sentence him to death in an extremely "conservative" jurisdiction. ... How Right Wing, fascist, and sadly, American. Be interesting to see how much the U.S. government indeed has on al Qaeda, however. Especially since the first trial is against someone who was apparently not directly involved in the September 11 atrocity. Yet, the government will do all it can to legally murder this foreigner. Guilt or innocence? It doesn't matter, does it? ... As long as someone gets nailed.

*****Secret Evidence*****

In a glaring attempt to impose his fascist agenda and obviate the Bill of Rights, the "President" has ordered the "Justice" Department to get a federal appeals court ruling authorizing the use of secret evidence in immigration cases. Only judges would be allowed to see the evidence. Immigrants and their attorneys would be denied access. Ole' George and his equally fascist Attorney General are egregiously shitting on the Bill of Rights. ... But it's alright, isn't it? After all, they're only going after foreigners, right? Sadly even without the ruling sought, detainees and their attorneys are already being denied access to secret evidence. The jackass occupying the White House, however, is determined to get rubber stamp approval from the "courts" for Gestapo tactics Hitler and Mussolini would have been proud of. ... Supposedly in the name of national "security". Sieg Heil, Mein Fuhrer.

*****Terror Money Hard To Block*****

The Bush "Administration" is finding it indeed difficult to block terrorism funds. Al Qaeda's sophisticated money making machine, raising millions yearly, has been extremely tricky for U.S. officials to attack. Why? Because it relies far less on bin Laden's personal fortune than previously thought. Interesting, isn't it? A convenient excuse for failure, no? This, despite an annual "intelligence" expenditure of well in excess of $30 billion. What the hell are we getting for the money? Screwed? Sorry. ... Almost forgot. "Personal responsibility" is reserved for the unwashed masses. Not corrupt, abusive, and inept government goons.

*****Indentured Servitude*****

Republican hatred of unionism is implacable. Remember Reagan's firing of the air traffic controllers nearly twenty years ago? Texas, indeed, is a "right to work" state and strongly anti-union. Sadly, aggressive stupidity knows no bounds. If it were not for past union activity, the minimum wage would be fifty cents, or more probably, nonexistent. Conversely, a loaf of bread would cost some $10 if Republicans and their shills had their way.

Why do I waste time and webspace on this issue? The "President" has announced his "Administration" will stop a planned walkout by United Airlines mechanics. Why? The jackass who occupies the White House does not believe in unionism and labor bargaining. Corporations come first to this fascist who disingenuously and falsely claimed his intended action is designed to aid the flying public.

Why shouldn't the mechanics strike at Christmas? What better time to force the issue with intransigent management? Yet, labor in this country is apparently no longer any more than indentured servitude. Readers are reminded the union authorized the strike by a 99 percent majority AFTER management abandoned the bargaining table and withdrew its contract proposals. A thirty day cooling-off period imposed is about to expire and Ole' George is miffed he hasn't gotten his way. Unlike the former union for the air traffic controllers, the mechanics union is not prohibited by law to strike. ... Can't have that, now can we, Mr. "President"?

*****Bush Judicial Nominees Targeted*****

How 'bout 'dat? All joking aside, it's good to see the fascist appointed "President" by the Supreme Court receiving some stiff opposition to judicial nominees who intend to legislate their fascist agenda from the bench. Republicans are apparently unpleasantly surprised womens' groups such as the Ms. Foundation, Alliance For Justice, and National Organization For Women are effectively joining forces with Democratic senators to block the most egregious Bush nominees. Doing so with impressive coordination. About time. Otherwise, "religious" zealots will force their views on women, telling them what they can and cannot due with their uterus. Of equal concern is the continuing loss of civil liberties and rights. Alarmingly, the Right is bound and determined as well to create a "Christian" theocracy in glaring violation of church-state separation mandated by the First Amendment. Seating of fascist judges would hasten the process, destroying any semblance of liberty. Freedom? What the hell's that to a Right Wing fascist?

*****ABM Treaty Scrapped*****

Ole' George "The Tush" Bush has served notice on the Russians of his intention to abrogate the 1972 Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty. Sadly, this action has nothing whatsoever to do with national security, but everything to do with enriching defense contractors billions on a weapons program that may or may not work as intended. Worse yet, it is not designed to protect American soil from far more likely cruise missile attack from an enemy offshore or from terrorists with suitcase-sized nuclear devices. Then again, this is irrelevant to a fascist determined to enrich his corporate cronies.

*****"Vice President" Surfaces*****

"Slick Dick" Cheney recently popped out his "secure, undisclosed location" for some twenty hours to raise a half million bucks for House GOP candidates. Mighty brave of him, no? Got to line the pockets to ensure the "Commander In Chief" has the congressional support required to impose his fascist agenda. This at a time, when U.S. forces are fighting to eradicate bin Laden and al Qaeda. ... Money talks...

*****Symbolism Over Substance*****

The "President's" request the National Anthem be played at the exact moment of the three-month anniversary of the September 11 atrocity, although touching, is once again an outrageous example of symbolism over substance. Mr. Bush would have far better served the nation had he announced an investigation of the "intelligence" agencies that so egregiously let this country down that terrible day. Why haven't any heads rolled to date, George? Protecting the guilty, Mr. "President"?

*****Klee's Kaleidoscope*****

Be sure to click on 'Kaleidoscope V4' on the Maxpages site or 'Kaleidoscope' on the Stormpages site for Harvey Klee's latest edition. This publication is a forum for a diversity of viewpoints. All are encouraged to submit material.

*****Unbridled Fear*****

As strongly asserted in the last 33 editions, gut-wrenching fear generated by the Narcotics Enforcement Team is quite impressive. After all, these Nazi stormtroopers not only outrageously intimidate defendants and their gutless attorneys, but even innocent third parties who have suffered at their corrupt and abusive hands.

Recently, a source came forward with allegations regarding the death of a loved one under exceptionally curious circumstances. Sadly, the survivor got cold feet.

Most pointedly and quite publicly, how in hell do you expect these abuses to end if you don't have the guts to stand up and expose them to the light of day?

Every time a source cowardly runs the other way, the corrupt and abusive sons of bitches win. Every g-ddamned time. Worse yet, another nail is driven into the coffin of liberty.

If you don't have the courage to stand up and do the right thing, why should this writer continue to place himself in physical and legal jeopardy trying to expose the outrageous corruption and abuse?

Tim Chorney, Publisher
The Llano Ledger

Tim Chorney, Publisher
P.O. Box 997
Buchanan Dam, Tx. 78609