The Llano Ledger

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Tim Chorney, Publisher
The Llano Ledger November 19, 2001

*************November 19, 2001************

*****33rd Judicial District Narcotics Enforcement Team*****

NET informant Danny O'Leary is a busy, busy boy. Planting drugs and turning in innocent victims to criminal NET officers are apparently only a small part of Mr. O'Leary's repertoire. Credible sources strongly assert Danny Boy and a drug partner, approximately in his forties, are reportedly distributing marijuana. The identity of the second man has not been confirmed yet. Both men and their sons, however, are apparently trafficking in large quantities of weed.

Theft of a significant amount of marijuana is what drew the attention of this publication. O'Leary's partner had complained to people in the community that sixty pounds had been stolen from his stash. That's right, 60 lbs.. Reportedly, the entire stash had amounted to between three to four hundred pounds. Sources claim sons of both men are involved in the operation. Finally, it was determined the son of O'Leary's partner had indeed stolen the missing marijuana.

Credible sources have strongly claimed O'Leary's son, Ryan, is also involved in the operation. Ryan recently totaled his father's new pickup while allegedly under the influence of alcohol. Although underaged, he has a history of public intoxication, confirmed by the elder O'Leary and other sources.

*****Military Tribunals*****

"President" George "The Tush" Bush recently signed an executive order allowing the military to set up military tribunals to try terrorists overseas in absolute secrecy. The idea of the fascist occupying the White House and his henchmen is to bypass the U.S. court system. This has not been done since the Second World War. One unidentified Western diplomat complained "Many European countries will be of course concerned about some important legal aspects, in particular about the missing right to appeal and the death penalty."

Military officers would act as judge and jury. A two-thirds vote would result in conviction. There would be no appellate review. No appeals to the Supreme Court. Interestingly, Right Wing New York Times columnist William Safire wrote the "President" would "get away with the replacement of the American rule of law with military kangaroo courts." He's right. Then again, the United States government has moved to the Extreme Right, becoming increasingly fascist in the process. While the terrorists are indeed an enemy, our government has become an even greater one.

Judiciary Committee Chairman Senator Patrick Leahy strongly claimed the executive order "sends a message to the world that it is acceptable to hold secret trials and summary executions, without the possibility of judicial review, at least when the defendant is a foreign national." He's right. Then again, the "Chief Executive" has no respect for the Bill of Rights and has betrayed his oath of office.

Military tribunals are a glaring example of American kangaroo courts with a long history of abuse. They are set up to convict. To rubber stamp government political policy. Frankly, it is time for Congress to hold hearings and closely investigate a Supreme Court-appointed fascist who has decimated the Bill of Rights to impose his will and ideology on the American people.

*****Left And Right Express Concern Over Bush Anti-Terrorism Moves*****

Interestingly, both political extremes are beginning to criticize "The Tush" and his egregious assault on civil liberties. Pointedly, the United States is beginning to look more and more like a Third World banana republic. Sadly, Nazi Attorney General John Ashcroft justifies military tribunals, suspension of attorney-client privilege, and suspension of the Bill of Rights both for foreign nationals as well as Americans, disingenuously crowing "I think it's important to understand that we are at war now." ... Hey, Johnny? Adolph and Benito would have been proud, you jackass. This bona fide fascist truly believes the ends justify the means. So did Hitler and Mussolini.

Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Patrick J. Leahy (D-Vt.) strongly claimed "There's a lot of disquiet among both Republican and Democratic senators who think the rules of law are being turned on their head, and they wonder what we gain by it." That's right, Senator. Why have you gone along up to this point? Why hasn't Mr. Bush been investigated for possible impeachment? The "President" has betrayed his oath of office and his deliberate ignorance of the Bill of Rights is treasonous.

Even Right Wing extremists such as Rep. Robert L. Barr Jr. (R-Ga.) are beginning to wake up and strongly express concern: "I'm not sure we can ever satisfy the federal government's insatiable appetite for more power." He's right. Then again, this "conservative" has also previously gone along with the "Chief Executive" and his henchmen.

Habeas corpus, regarding the military tribunals, has been suspended by the "President" in his executive order: "any individual subject to this order shall not be privileged to seek any remedy . . . in any court of the United States, or any state thereof." Frightening stuff, no? Who's next? American citizens? Then again, the American people are sound asleep. Habeas corpus is critical to liberty. Former U.S. Solicitor General Philip A. Lacovara strongly claimed: "The Constitution sets out only two grounds for suspending the privilege of challenging one's detention on a habeas corpus petition: one is invasion and the other is rebellion. Even in the Civil War, the courts were reluctant to allow President Lincoln to dispense with habeas corpus." Yet, our Nazi "President" has done so.

*****"Vice President" Singled Out*****

"Vice President" "Slick Dick" Cheney's defense of military tribunals was so intense and fascist it should be singled out for attention. Readers are reminded the government has refused to release the identities of immigrants held as well as the charges. Now, the "President", "Vice President", and Attorney General wish to see them tried in secret military tribunals. These fascists assert "terrorists" are not entitled to constitutional rights and the rule of law. The Founders must be spinning in their graves. Yet, the aggressively stupid American people remain shamefully and gutlessly silent.

"Slick Dick" Cheney has indeed been quite aggressive in his defense of military tribunals: "The basic proposition here is that somebody who comes into the United States of America illegally, who conducts a terrorist operation killing thousands of innocent Americans - men, women and children - is not a lawful combatant." ... "They don't deserve to be treated as a prisoner of war." ... "They don't deserve the same guarantees and safeguards that would be used for an American citizen going through the normal judicial process."

...Interesting commentary from a man who placed his hand on a Bible and swore to protect and defend the Constitution of the United States, isn't it? Would be laughable if not so threatening to liberty. ... Hey, Dicky? Adolph and Benito would have indeed been proud, you jackass. Most pointedly, where are the Democrats? Why haven't they already called for impeachment hearings for both the "President" and his equally fascist sidekick?

*****"Justice" Department To Question 5,000*****

U.S. Attorney General John Ashcroft has ordered federal law enforcement to question 5,000 foreigners in the next twenty days. That's right, twenty days. The interviews are to be "voluntary" and FBI goons have been instructed to be polite. Mighty considerate, no? Despite assertions of no-profiling, law enforcement will question thousands of Middle Eastern men between the ages of 18 and 33. In the perverted world of the "President", day is night, night is day, and 'shit don't stink'. ... Nothing quite like a police state, is there?

*****First Lady*****

For the first time, a first lady has given a speech on a Saturday radio broadcast reserved for the president. First Lady Laura Bush addressed the abuse of women in Afghanistan, substituting for the "President". While Mrs. Bush was indeed on target and to be commended, can you imagine the howls of protest from the Fascist Right had former First Lady Hillary Rodham Clinton done the same? Yet, the Extreme Right remains glaringly and hypocritically silent.

... As the Right would have whined, "two for the price of one." All joking aside and unlike her husband, Mrs. Bush is extraordinarily gifted and has much to offer the country. ... Not quite as far to the right as hubby either. "The Tush" has much to be proud of in his wife. -- Despite the fact she never fully took responsibility nor was prosecuted for the death of a fellow student nearly forty years ago when she ran a stop sign and into his vehicle. ... Won't talk about it to this day. Presently, the law is nowhere near as forgiving. Nor should it be. The First Lady wasn't even ticketed. Then again, the double standard is alive and well...

*****Unbridled Fear*****

As strongly asserted in the last 29 editions, gut-wrenching fear generated by the Narcotics Enforcement Team is quite impressive. After all, these Nazi stormtroopers not only outrageously intimidate defendants and their gutless attorneys, but even innocent third parties who have suffered at their corrupt and abusive hands.

Recently, a source came forward with allegations regarding the death of a loved one under exceptionally curious circumstances. Sadly, the survivor got cold feet.

Most pointedly and quite publicly, how in hell do you expect these abuses to end if you don't have the guts to stand up and expose them to the light of day?

Every time a source cowardly runs the other way, the corrupt and abusive sons of bitches win. Every g-ddamned time. Worse yet, another nail is driven into the coffin of liberty.

If you don't have the courage to stand up and do the right thing, why should this writer continue to place himself in physical and legal jeopardy trying to expose the outrageous corruption and abuse?

Tim Chorney, Publisher
The Llano Ledger