The Llano Ledger

Newsletter Text V123


*************November 5, 2001************

*****Bush Slams Critics*****

Apparently, Ole' George "The Tush" does not tolerate criticism very well. -- Particularly stinging criticism of the war effort: "There are some that say, 'Well, shouldn't this have happened yesterday?' This is not an instant-gratification war." On this issue, the "President" is certainly correct. In the interest of fairness, the prosecution of the war to date has been well-planned and executed. The "Chief Executive" has wisely let the military do its job, -- despite some waffling by military spokesmen during press conferences.

Of far greater concern is the "Administration's" waging of the conflict in almost absolute secrecy and, more ominously, the signing of anti-terrorist legislation decimating civil liberties. Sadly, a bona fide Nazi, U.S. Attorney General John Ashcroft and his henchmen are already outrageously abusing their authority with this atrocious unconstitutional statute.

The "President" and his advisors have asserted the bombing will not stop during the Muslim holy month of Ramadan. Why should it? Why give the enemy any advantage? What consideration did they give to the spiritual sensibilities of 5000 innocent victims?

Ole' George is bemoaning the lack of cooperation by Congress in his effort to pass an economic stimulus package: "We need to work together to prevent further loss of jobs by passing an economic stimulus package that in fact will cause the job base to firm up and expand." Is that right, George? Readers should understand this sad excuse for a "leader" is backing Republican stimulus legislation that lines the pocket of big business and is no more than an egregious example of corporate welfare. Then again, to be expected from a Right Wing fascist more interested in the lining of his pockets and those of his equally greedy cronies.

Interestingly, the "President" continues to talk out both sides of his mouth regarding security. Law enforcement is given repeated notices of supposedly credible new terroristic threats while the dolt who stole office tells the people to go about their business normally. Hey, George? Which is it, sir? Time to get your story straight, Mr. "President". The "Chief Executive" further crowed: "Well, I wasn't rattled when I went out and threw out the ball at Yankee Stadium. Right after, I had instructed the Justice Department to inform 17,000 law- enforcement agencies to be aware, to harden targets, to harden assets." Our fearless "leader" neglected to mention the fact he was wisely wearing a bullet-resistant vest while doing so. ... Duh.

Still whining, however, he went on to claim: "Most Americans understand that there is a new day here in America. They appreciate the efforts the government is making, and they're going to fight terrorism by going about their daily lives." Is that right, George? While indeed there is a new day, sadly, it is about the imposition of fascism, not terror. Outrageously, you used the pretext of the loss of 5000 American lives to disingenuously destroy the Bill of Rights by passage of supposedly anti-terrorist legislation, misleadingly and falsely called The Patriot Act. You, sir, are a disgrace to your oath and liberty. Sadly, the American people are too stupid to realize they've been had. ... Counted on that, didn't you, sir?

Not surprisingly, the "President" has conveniently refused to hold anyone in the "intelligence" community responsible for napping prior to the September 11 atrocity. No one. Interesting, isn't it? Certainly self-serving. Ole' George in fact went to the opposite extreme, strongly publicly supporting the Director of the Central Intelligence Agency and others responsible for this outrageous intelligence failure, -- despite the annual expenditure of funds in excess of $30 billion.

... That's billion with a "b". What's a few bucks, right, Mr. "President"? Certainly pales in comparison to all the lives tragically lost. Ole' George, however, is disingenuously using this as an excuse to avoid placing a spotlight on his equally inept "intelligence" cronies. Pointedly, "responsibility" is reserved for the unwashed masses, -- not corrupt, abusive, and incompetent officials. ... Right, George?

*****"Presidential" Hypocrisy"*****

The "Chief Executive" has painstakingly praised our military personnel. Rightfully so. "The Tush" at the same time, however, has stuck a knife in the back of soldiers working overtime. Rep. Cynthia McKinney, Dem-Ga recently asserted: "Almost two weeks ago, I introduced legislation to override the recently signed executive order by President Bush that would deny our servicemen their overtime pay after 400 days of deployment within two years. The administration pushed through a $15 billion airline industry bailout, but refuses to pay our national guardians overtime. Despite the importance of this issue, it has received little or no coverage in the press."

She's right. It was ignored by the media. So much for the supposedly "liberal" press. Can't help but think, however, how wrong and outrageous it is for our service people to be denied fair compensation. The families of some remain on food stamps. Yet, the "President" phonily pontificates while apparently shafting the people most responsible for protecting and defending liberty. ... Particularly sad after watching the Today show earlier last week and seeing American military personnel in Germany holding signs saying they would not let us down. Haunting and gut-wrenching, isn't it? Certainly puts a lump in the throat. Yet, the "President" has apparently screwed them for his own purposes and fascist agenda.

*****Security Double Standard*****

Interesting, isn't it, how Congress has different standards for itself and the public? Republican extremists, with the blessing of the "President", are insisting private security be used at the nation's airports in contrast to the wishes of the American people who apparently want this task federalized, with personnel trained as sworn officers.

Truly fascinating, since Congress has sworn law enforcement of its own patrolling the Capitol. In fact, these officers have been so overworked recently, legislators have authorized National Guard patrols starting shortly. -- In direct violation of Posse Commitatus law, in the not-so-humble opinion of this non-attorney writer. Yet, these hypocrites insist the public is not entitled to similarly trained law enforcement personnel doing security checks of baggage at our airports. Interesting, isn't it?

*****Attorney General Can't Get Story Straight*****

Bona fide fascist Attorney General John Ashcroft apparently has serious difficulties getting his story straight. At the very least remarkably convenient, wouldn't you say? Earlier in the week, Ole' John had crowed three detained Michigan men had information regarding the September 11 atrocity. In a statement later released the Justice Department asserted: "At this time, the Department of Justice does not take the position that the three Michigan men had knowledge of the Sept. 11 events."

... Hey, Johnny? Can't have it both ways, sir. Which is it, General? Other senior law enforcement officers have denied the story. If in fact inaccurate, why the hell are you holding the men, Mr. Ashcroft? When are the American people finally going to wake up and understand the Bill of Rights is being shamelessly shit on by this outrageous Nazi? Dear readers? ... Think it won't happen to you as rights continue to be eviscerated?

*****Sharon Postpones Visit*****

Postponing what would be a most uncomfortable meeting with "The Tush", Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon delayed a trip to the U.S.. Apparently, the Prime Minister is desperately avoiding pressure Mr. Bush and his cronies certainly would have placed on him to make peace with the Palestinians. Time to cut off all aid, Mr. "President". The Israelis have become worse than their enemies, sir.

Can't afford to change American policy though, can you, Mr. "President"? Too beholden to Big Oil and the powerful Israeli lobby in this country, no? The "Chief Executive" is indeed caught between a rock and a hard place. The Israelis have in fact make it much harder to prosecute the war in Afghanistan with their continuing outrageous abuse of Palestinians. While there was certainly NO justification for the September 11 atrocity, there are reasons why it did occur. One of those reasons, although indeed unjustifiable, is certainly the continuing outrageous treatment of Palestinians.

There will be no peace in the Middle East until this problem is equitably resolved. Should the "President" be successful in killing or capturing bin Laden and his associates, others will take their place if there is no lasting peace agreement and resolution of the Israeli-Arab conflict. The "Chief Executive" may finally be beginning to realize this. Time to place pressure on Sharon, Mr. "President", -- before it is too late. Doing so would be no sign of weakness, George. Nor would it be "giving in" to terrorists. It would be an act of courage and will have to be done regardless, -- if you in fact want lasting peace in the region.

*****Freedom Of Information*****

In an outrageous attempt to stifle free flow of information as instigated earlier by our fascist Attorney General, the "President" has issued an executive order making it far more difficult to access presidential papers. The executive order at the very least violates the spirit of the 1978 Presidential Records Act and is a throwback to another outrageously corrupt and abusive former Republican President, -- Richard Nixon. "The Tush" is systematically shitting on the Freedom of Information Act as well with the help of John Ashcroft. All allegedly in the name of "national security". ... Sadly, a crock of crap.

Hey, George? What are you so afraid of? Don't want the people to finally learn just how inept you truly are? Or what the agenda happens to be? If indeed proud of the fascist principles you espouse, why not publicly acknowledge and trumpet them? Instead of cowardly going behind the back of the aggressively stupid American people? Can't have that now, can we, George? Not all of us will conveniently remain gutlessly silent, will we, sir? Precisely why the "President" has been so underhanded about the imposition of his extremist agenda.

*****Big Brother*****

Big Brother is indeed alive and well in our increasingly fascist country. Facial recognition systems are being installed at Boston's Logan Airport and elsewhere. While Orwell in fact thought the Big Brother threat would come from the Left and communism, it has always been clear to this writer communism was on its way out for years prior to the collapse of the Soviet Union. Consider the "Five-Year Plans" imposed by the Soviets that repeatedly failed for decades before the final collapse.

Regardless, the United States has always flirted with fascism. -- Certainly did in the thirties as Adolph and Benito rose to power and before Americans fully understood the danger. Working definition of fascism? Simply: the imposition of an abusive and dangerous oligarchy based on a pernicious blend of government, big business, and religion. ... A boot-heel cynically placed on the throat of the masses, justified in principle by perversion and bastardization of religion. Certainly a system of thought ripe for Big Brother abuses as envisioned by the "President".

Facial recognition systems are a serious invasion of privacy and Fourth Amendment rights as argued by the American Civil Liberties Union. The ACLU further correctly asserts these systems are easily fooled by wearing a hat, sunglasses, etc. They're right. Terrorists will indeed escape detection while innocent citizens are harassed and hassled by personnel operating the equipment. As the Founders wisely understood over two hundred years ago, anyone willing to trade liberty for security deserves and winds up with neither.

*****Plea Bargains*****

Plea bargains are, and have been, a sick joke on the people of this country for years. Most Americans have believed with good reason for decades that such arrangements often let guilty people back on the street prematurely. More ominously, however, such "agreements" have been used by corrupt and abusive law enforcement and "judges" to unjustly shaft innocent citizens.

Nearly always, plea bargains are offered when prosecutors either have no case or insufficient evidence. Example? District Attorney Sam "The Sham" Oatman and his equally abusive cronies in the 33rd Judicial District. Ole' Sam and his henchmen have no interest in "justice". Power is the name of the game, -- and a notch on the belt is what's called for. ... Right, Sam? Certainly makes it easy for Oatman to return to office term after term. Ole' Sam could care less who gets hurt in the process. Precisely why he allows the outrageously corrupt and abusive officers of the 33rd Judicial District Narcotics Enforcement Team to criminally operate with impunity.

People often plea bargain when there is no need, nor justification. Readers are reminded of the Evaristo Mirelez case and the incredibly poor job San Antonio attorney Michael Orbelo did for his client. While Ole' Sam had no case and NET was spared further embarrassment, Evaristo pled to reduced charges he was not guilty of in an effort to spare himself and family further abuse. Despite his belief to the contrary, that will never happen. After all, it's how NET and "prosecutors" get their cookies off.

Once in awhile, however, those agreeing to a plea bargain think better of it, -- or get a wild hair up their ass. Earlier last week, Sara Jane Olson entered a plea in a 1975 bombing case. Immediately after, she left the courtroom and asserted her innocence, claiming she could not receive a fair trial after the September 11 attack. Sadly, she is right. -- The public has its head securely up its rump and thinks law enforcement is honest and pristine.

Sorely angered the "Judge", however, who has scheduled a hearing for the coming week. What the hell did he expect? Does he really think all Americans are as stupid or terrified as 99% of those who pass through his court? Interestingly, Olson didn't play the game expected of her and rattled the cage of egregious hypocrites in power who could care less about "justice" and doing the right thing. ... Then again, this is America, isn't it? In fact, as American as mom and apple pie.

*****Writer Still In Jail*****

Remember the case of writer Vanessa Leggett? This woman was jailed for refusing to turn over information to a federal grand jury "investigating" a Houston society murder. As a free-lance journalist, she has courageously remained in jail for over 100 days rather than give in to corrupt and abusive prosecutors. Plans to remain there until January when the current grand jury term ends. Of course, cowardly "prosecutors" will not let it legally end there. After all, this brave lady has stuck it to officials. Can't have that now, can we? Sadly, the First Amendment and its guarantees of press freedom no longer mean anything, and have not for quite some time. Adolph and Benito would have been proud. ... So is Ole' George.

*****Sexual Predator Laws*****

Apparently, there is trouble in paradise. The U.S. Supreme Court will review sexual predator laws allowing continued incarceration of sexual offenders after their sentences are complete. Blatantly unconstitutional, despite earlier rulings otherwise. When will state legislators finally wake up and definitively solve the problem by passing statutes that incarcerate offenders for life? Doesn't the public deserve better?

*****American Legion Golf Tournament*****

Be sure to click on 'Announcements' for details and particulars regarding the upcoming Kingsland American Legion golf tournament. ... Support a great cause...

*****Klee's Kaleidoscope*****

Click on 'Kaleidoscope V3' for Harvey Klee's latest article on the Llano County tax situation. Seems our fearless "leaders" never tire of trying to pull the wool over our eyes. Too bad non-property owners don't realize they ALSO pay property taxes. It's indeed reflected in their rent. Sadly, most are too stupid to understand. Then again, the cowardly public willingly tolerates ALL the nonsense going on, yet bitterly complains when rent or taxes go up. ... Or when they're harassed by corrupt and abusive law enforcement. Tough, isn't it?


Typographical errors drive you nuts? Been a problem for many area publications, including this one. ... Especially since there is no spell check function in the software provided by Maxpages. Being a speed reader, it is also extremely difficult to proof-read one's own material.

Compounding the problem is the limitation of the software itself. After over two years of effort looking for a way around this perpetually nagging problem however, a solution has finally been found. ... A round-about way of finding most errors without use of a proof-reader.

Some of you may have noticed earlier editions being updated. Only typographical errors are being corrected, however. -- Not substance. Fortunately, there were far fewer errors than expected. Usually one or two per edition so far.

... Extremely painful though, for a perfectionist. All joking aside, typographical accuracy is important and every effort is made to ensure it.

*****Unbridled Fear*****

As strongly asserted in the last 27 editions, gut-wrenching fear generated by the Narcotics Enforcement Team is quite impressive. After all, these Nazi stormtroopers not only outrageously intimidate defendants and their gutless attorneys, but even innocent third parties who have suffered at their corrupt and abusive hands.

Recently, a source came forward with allegations regarding the death of a loved one under exceptionally curious circumstances. Sadly, the survivor got cold feet.

Most pointedly and quite publicly, how in hell do you expect these abuses to end if you don't have the guts to stand up and expose them to the light of day?

Every time a source cowardly runs the other way, the corrupt and abusive sons of bitches win. Every g-ddamned time. Worse yet, another nail is driven into the coffin of liberty.

If you don't have the courage to stand up and do the right thing, why should this writer continue to place himself in physical and legal jeopardy trying to expose the outrageous corruption and abuse?

Tim Chorney, Publisher
The Llano Ledger

Tim Chorney, Publisher
P.O. Box 997
Buchanan Dam Tx. 78609

Page Updated Mon Nov 5, 2001 12:54pm EST