The Llano Ledger

Newsletter Text V122


*****Bloodless Coup*****

A bloodless coup occurred Friday, October 26, 2001 in the United States. Sadly, the American people were too stupid to notice. The Fourth Amendment, already eviscerated for decades by corrupt and abusive law enforcement and the judiciary, was in effect suspended for four years by anti-terrorist legislation signed into law. --By the jackass who stole the White House, courtesy of a fascist Supreme Court that conveniently appointed him "President" last year.

Similarly, the Fifth, Sixth, Seventh, and Eighth Amendments granting rights to those accused of criminal or civil offenses were outrageously assaulted by a "President" and henchmen determined to impose fascism. Sadly, the problem is non-partisan since the Democrats went along with their Republican cronies. Only one senator, Sen. Russ Feingold, D-Wis, had the guts to vote against a measure viciously unconstitutional. Needless to say, Hutchison and Gramm went along with the atrocity, -- and an atrocity it is.

The "President" has disingenuously asserted "Today, we take an essential step in defeating terrorists while protecting the constitutional rights of all Americans." Mr. Bush is a liar. The constitutional rights of all Americans have been decimated by this law. While the "President" claims the law is intended for use against terrorists, once again, he has boldfaced lied to the American people. Your e-mail is subject to examination by federal goons whether or not you are a terrorist. Your Internet use history is subject to investigation by these same thugs.

Federal goons now have the right to search your home and place of business without telling you of the search. Anyone, like this writer who vigorously exercises First Amendment rights to criticize corrupt and abusive officials, can be labeled a "terrorist" by these thugs and subject to the full brunt of the law. The perpetrators of this attack on civil liberties have phonily claimed there will be no abuses of the law by law enforcement since there will be judicial oversight of at least some of the provisions. Absolute bullshit coming from legislators who clearly have had their heads securely lodged up their asses for quite some time.

Judges no longer protect constitutional rights. They abrogate them. To think a corrupt and abusive judiciary will see to it that government goons will not abuse this law is utter folly. Worse yet, most of the provisions of this statute require no judicial oversight. Friends, you have been screwed by the "President" and the Congress. Sadly, most of you are too aggressively stupid to even realize you've just taken the shaft without the Vaseline. -- Or too enamored with a jackass who can barely tie his shoe laces.

Foreigners can now be held for seven days before being charged, as opposed to 48 hours. What the dolt in the White House has neglected to mention is the fact there are ways around this requirement, allowing our fascist Attorney General to hold foreigners indefinitely according to civil liberties groups. "Roving wiretaps" are now lawful. What that means is any target of federal goons using any phone in the United States can expect surveillance. No problem with that? Think again, dear readers.

Government thugs have the power to label anyone a "terrorist". Should a friend be so labeled and uses your phone, your conversations, as well as his, are subject to surveillance. Should you be an innocent citizen forced to testify in front of a federal grand jury, all of your particulars can be shared throughout government agencies "investigating" terrorism. If you are a "suspect", federal thugs can read your unopened e-mail. This atrocious law can not only be used against terrorists and citizens under criminal suspicion, but also against totally innocent citizens who our fascist government wishes to harass.

Utah Sen. Orrin Hatch, a man who has had his head up his rump for years, cackled "I don't know anybody in this country who's afraid of their law enforcement people at this time. They're afraid of terrorism." Hey, Orrin? You're as much an embarrassment as the jackass who stole the White House. Haven't been on the highways lately, have you, sir? -- What, with the limousines, right, Senator?

In the real world, ordinary citizens have long been subject to predators on the road such as the 33rd Judicial District Narcotics Enforcement Team (NET). Then again, sir, you're part of the problem, aren't you? Could care less how many innocent people have been victimized by corrupt and abusive law enforcement, right, Senator? Even wantonly killed? Wouldn't know anything about that, would you? Wake up, friends.

Should you have the misfortune of sitting on an airplane next to a terrorism suspect, federal thugs will have the authority to get your business and medical records as well as search your home without telling you. This law also allows "intelligence" wiretaps even when there is no criminal investigation. The harboring and supporting terrorists provision of the law is so broad that there will be a chilling effect on the political activities of pro-immigrant or antiwar groups. ... The First Amendment? What the hell's that? Right, Mr. "President"? Part of the agenda, isn't it, sir?

The Founders must be spinning in their graves. Everything they worked so hard to establish and defend has been decimated by a fascist "President" and an equally culpable Congress. The Nazis who sit on the U.S. Supreme Court will do nothing to counter this atrocity. Your government has shamelessly shit on the Bill of Rights and most of you are clueless. You get what you deserve. Again, too bad the rest of us have to suffer for your aggressive stupidity.

The beginning of the end of American liberty as we knew it occurred on November 22, 1963. Some of you don't even know the significance of that terrible day, or how this new statute fits in and continues the process started nearly forty years ago. Fascists, in an outrageously obscene slap to the Founders, have labeled the anti-terrorism bill just signed into law The Patriot Act. With this atrocious statute, the terrorists who destroyed the Trade Center and damaged the Pentagon have indeed won a big one. -- Without even having to further kill, maim, or destroy property.

Our "leaders", taking advantage of a golden opportunity to impose their fascist principles, have decimated civil liberties. They, themselves, have become an enemy far worse than the terrorists. Most pointedly, without liberty, there is no "life". As the Founders wisely knew, anyone willing to trade liberty for "security" deserves and winds up with neither.

Ninety percent of you, dear readers, have bought the propaganda coming from the Bush White House, hook, line, and sinker. Shame on you. One of the few times, this writer has truly been ashamed to be an American. Don't like the last statement? Tough. Should the "President" continue down this path unchecked, free speech will be the next to go. Then, we can all march in goosestep, right?

Again, you have been suckered, friends. Plain and simple. Sadly, some ninety percent of you are too aggressively stupid to have noticed. -- Or too enamored with a dolt who can barely button his shirt. Think this statute will stop future terror? Even the Nazi who occupies the Attorney General's office argues otherwise. Wonder why he still desperately wanted the law? THINK. Wake up.

*****U.S. Rebukes Israel*****

Intellectual honesty demands credit be given when due. Ole' George "The Tush" Bush indeed does the right thing once in a while, -- even when done for the wrong reasons. Right, George? Readers will recall Israeli Tourism Minister Rehavam Zeevi was recently assassinated by Palestinians in retaliation for targeted killings of their leaders by Israeli goons. Not surprisingly, the Israelis were unhappy campers after they received a bit of their own medicine, occupying Palestinian-controlled areas in response and killing a number of civilians. ... Then again, the Israelis could not be terrorists, could they?

State Department Deputy Spokesman Philip Reeker sharply asserted: "We deeply regret and deplore Israel Defense Force actions that have killed numerous Palestinian civilians over the weekend. The deaths of those innocent civilians under the circumstances reported in recent days are unacceptable. We call upon Israel to ensure that its armed forces exercise greater discipline and restraint."

About time, Mr. "President". Finally found your voice, sir? Readers are reminded the "Administration" ordinarily would have looked the other way, -- as it has countless times in the past. This time, however, is different. Why? After all, "The Tush" is waging war against terrorism. Any further abuse of Palestinians could certainly topple the Mid East apple cart, whipping up further Islamic hatred of the United States. Certainly don't want that when American troops are fighting in theater. Indeed, a difficult problem for Mr. Bush.

Israeli petulance and outrage following the recent assassination is a bit disingenuous, isn't it? What the hell did they think would result from targeted murder of Palestinian leaders? Did they think the Arabs would bend over and compliantly take the shaft? To the credit of the "President" the "Administration" has ordered Israel to withdraw. Not surprisingly, they've initially refused to comply. Hey, George? Time to withdraw foreign aid from the region. All of it. To both Israel and the Arabs. Let them fight their own battles.

Of course, "The Tush" can hardly consider such drastic action. After all, he's in the pocket of Big Oil. Until American foreign policy changes, however, there will not be a snowball's chance of peace in the region. Sadly, money drives this train, not phony support of an Israeli state that has become more oppressive than its enemies.


Press freedom means little to the "President" and his henchmen. Official spin is far more important to the jackass in the White House than First Amendment rights of the media. "Administration" officials have disingenuously forced journalists to choose between rights and patriotism. Indeed, a phony choice outrageously pressured by a fascist "Administration" intent upon waging an unlimited undefined war with no end game or definition of victory.

Sadly, what the media is producing seems to be no more than hype. Little more than mouthpieces for the Bush "Administration". Propaganda, not hard-hitting news coverage. Too bad. Especially since the press was losing ground and credibility long before September 11. Blame must also be placed squarely on the public since no one seems to want anything more than fluff. Sadly, "feel good" bullshit is far more palatable to the aggressively stupid population. Why think if you don't have to? Let corrupt and abusive government do it. It's the American way, isn't it?

While Bush is indeed right to kill or capture bin Laden and his terrorist network, his ultimate intentions are quite unknown and the people of this nation are being asked to accept his policies on faith. Already, innocent people are being killed and discontent is growing within the coalition. As Ole' George becomes increasingly pressured to provide results, will the adventure spread throughout other areas of the world with little regard for civilian casualties? Good question. Time will tell.

Already, there is indication the "President" is digging in for the long haul. Creation of a global command is being considered by Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld. The "Administration" does not want command to shift from commander to commander as the war is carried to other countries. Apparently, global command will be centered at McDill Air Force Base, Tampa, Fla. Interesting, isn't it? ... Just how far will Bush go with the secret war being waged?

Ole' George is consolidating power during the current crisis on a variety of different fronts. Taking advantage of a cowardly Congress too frightened to remain continuously in session, the "Chief Executive" is considering convenient emergency measures to keep government funded should lawmakers remain out of session due to bio attack. Fascinating, isn't it? An automatic funding mechanism to maintain operations for thirty days at a time.

Hopefully, an inept "President" will continue to be well-advised by his superb staff. Without them, this outrageous embarrassment would have already fallen flat on his face. With an approval rating of over 90%, the people have bought the charade, -- hook, line, and sinker.

*****Justice Breyer Criticizes Extremist Colleagues*****

Interestingly in a recent speech at NYU law school, U.S. Supreme Court Justice Stephen Breyer rebuked his Far Right colleagues who literally interpret the Constitution. Rehnquist, Scalia, Thomas, Kennedy, and O'Connor are bona fide fascists, routinely narrowly interpreting the Constitution in a deliberate effort to impose their agenda. Again, the agenda is fascism: the imposition of an abusive and dangerous oligarchy based on a pernicious blend of government, big business, and religion. ... A boot-heel cynically placed on the throat of the masses, justified in principle by perversion and bastardization of religion.

Breyer's critique is not quite complete in its assessment, however. While the fascist element of the Court indeed narrowly interprets the Constitution, it is much more than that. They legislate their agenda from the bench, rather than "interpret" this most precious document. After all, fascists routinely offer oversimplistic analysis and solutions to enormously difficult problems. They are incapable of more. It requires a greater degree of creativity than possessed by narrow-minded, straight jacketed "thinkers".

Always been amused by the supposed intellectual capacity of Antonin Scalia, arguably the most fascist of his colleagues. Sadly, the man is outrageously stunted in thought, preferring to avoid complex in-depth analysis of issues desperately needing attention. It is far easier to see no degrees of gray or shades of color. Black and white, either-or, all or nothing "thinking" are all this individual is capable of. ... Don't confuse him with diversity or the truth. He is not able to process it. Yet, he is the darling of the Extreme Right.


The Extreme Right has supposedly championed privatization of government services. Especially in the case of the prison system. A study conducted by the Institute on Taxation and Economic Policy based in Washington indicates privatization of penal institutions has not worked for the last 15 years. Readers are reminded these "private" institutions have been heavily subsidized with taxpayer dollars upfront. Not only that, they continue to be reimbursed by government for housed inmates.

These prisons have been a losing operation for the beleaguered taxpayers footing the bill. Surprised? Local communities have not benefited either from significant improvement of the local economy. Why the hell would they? Prison staff are not well-paid and how many would want the risk and abuse involved in the job? Yet, taxpayers all over the country are paying off bonds that have benefited only the owners of these institutions. Sadly, another egregious example of corporate welfare. Yet, the Fascist Right remains deafeningly silent.

*****American Legion Plans Veterans Day Program*****

The Kingsland American Legion will hold a Veterans Day Memorial Service on Saturday, November 10 at 11:00am. Be sure to check out 'Announcements' for details and directions. ... Honor those who have sacrificed so much for our country and liberty...

*****Klee's Kaleidoscope*****

Be sure to click on 'Kaleidoscope 3' for Mr. Klee's latest and timely article on Anthrax.


Typographical errors drive you nuts? Been a problem for many area publications, including this one. ... Especially since there is no spell check function in the software provided by Maxpages. Being a speed reader, it is also extremely difficult to proof-read one's own material.

Compounding the problem is the limitation of the software itself. After over two years of effort looking for a way around this perpetually nagging problem however, a solution has finally been found. ... A round-about way of finding most errors without use of a proof-reader.

Some of you may have noticed earlier editions being updated. Only typographical errors are being corrected, however. -- Not substance. Fortunately, there were far fewer errors than expected. Usually one or two per edition so far.

... Extremely painful though, for a perfectionist. All joking aside, typographical accuracy is important and every effort is made to ensure it.

*****Unbridled Fear*****

As strongly asserted in the last 26 editions, gut-wrenching fear generated by the Narcotics Enforcement Team is quite impressive. After all, these Nazi stormtroopers not only outrageously intimidate defendants and their gutless attorneys, but even innocent third parties who have suffered at their corrupt and abusive hands.

Recently, a source came forward with allegations regarding the death of a loved one under exceptionally curious circumstances. Sadly, the survivor got cold feet.

Most pointedly and quite publicly, how in hell do you expect these abuses to end if you don't have the guts to stand up and expose them to the light of day?

Every time a source cowardly runs the other way, the corrupt and abusive sons of bitches win. Every g-ddamned time. Worse yet, another nail is driven into the coffin of liberty.

If you don't have the courage to stand up and do the right thing, why should this writer continue to place himself in physical and legal jeopardy trying to expose the outrageous corruption and abuse?

Tim Chorney, Publisher
The Llano Ledger

Tim Chorney, Publisher
P.O. Box 997
Buchanan Dam Tx. 78609

Page Updated Mon Oct 29, 2001 12:56pm EST