The Llano Ledger

Newsletter Text V118


***********October 8, 2001 Newsletter**********

Publisher's Note: The following edition was written prior to onset of the bombing of Afghanistan by U.S. and British forces, Sunday, October 7, 2001. T.C.

*****Sharon Accuses Bush Of Appeasement*****

Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon accused the United States of appeasement similar to the mistake made prior to the start of the Second World War: "I call on the Western democracies and primarily the leader of the free world, the United States: Do not repeat the dreadful mistake of 1938, when enlightened European democracies decided to sacrifice Czechoslovakia for a convenient, temporary solution."..."Do not try to appease the Arabs at our expense."... "This is unacceptable to us. Israel will not be Czechoslovakia. Israel will fight terrorism."... "We can only count on ourselves."... "From now on, we will count only on ourselves."

Needless to say, the "President" was incensed. With good reason. The United States dumps billions each year in aid to Israel. American-supplied F-16's and Apache attack helicopters have been used by Israelis to decimate Palestinians at an 8 or 9 to 1 kill ratio. Yet, the United States has stood by and done nothing. Israelis have bulldozed Palestinian homes and this country has looked the other way. For years. Now, the chickens are coming home to roost.

Sharon has labeled Arafat a Nazi. The Israeli Prime Minister needs to look in the mirror. He has a well-deserved reputation for being a ruthless terrorist himself. Worse yet, he was never brought to justice for atrocities he and his troops presided over and committed during the 1982 Israeli invasion of Lebanon. What about routine hideous torture of Palestinians by Israeli goons to this day?

Apparently, this outrageous piece of human excrement and sad excuse for a head of state was reacting to recent Bush "Administration" claims it was about to call for a Palestinian state prior to the September 11 terrorist attack. Hard to believe the Prime Minister bought a cynical, disingenuous, self-serving assertion made by an "Administration" desperate to win over Arab support for a war against terrorism. While Sharon is indeed a barbarian, he is not stupid. Just frightened and gutless. His cowardice is apparently clouding his judgment.

Perhaps, the Prime Minister is reacting to evidence of bin Laden's involvement in the September 11 attack shared with NATO, the British Prime Minister, Pakistan, the U.S. House and Senate, and other foreign governments. Everyone, except the American people. Apparently, the jackass in the White House does not trust his own people, or is afraid questions might arise should he be more forthcoming with information. Sadly, this is the first time in American history there has been such a blackout on nearly all information.

The "President" claims to be doing this for the sake of security. If so, why share it with so many foreign entities? How can he trust them to not pass on critical information? Rather, could it contain unflattering material damaging to the image of the American "intelligence" community caught napping September 11, despite billions expended? Does the "Chief Executive" indeed have something to hide? Cronies to protect? President Nixon had a similar rationale for the secret war waged in the Parrot's Beak in 1970. With approval ratings better than 90%, Mr. Bush has no reason to be upfront. -- Until bodybags return.

Outrageously and as reported earlier, the "President" has publicly supported the head of the CIA, instead of calling for his head. Worse yet and to add insult to injury, the House recently approved additional "intelligence" spending. Although the amount is classified, it is believed to had been in the $30 billion range. Now, the House is raising that amount by about 9%. Waste? What the hell's that?

The House has also chosen to allow Central Intelligence to hire criminal foreign agents. The ends now clearly justify the means. Republicans have also decided not to investigate the failure of the American "intelligence" community. Further evidence of the lack of substantive difference between both major political parties, the Democrats have cowardly chosen to go along. The "Chief Executive" will successfully protect his cronies not only with the aid of Republicans, but with the help of the party of the jackass as well. Fascinating, isn't it? Fitting as well.

*****Assault On First Amendment*****

The September 11 attack has certainly led to further evisceration of the First Amendment. The Extreme Right has determinedly accused the Left of aiding and abetting political correctness for years. -- With good reason occasionally. Now, however, the Fascist Right has excoriated anyone questioning the "President's" motives or the egregious failure of the "intelligence" community in the current crisis. Tough, isn't it? Apparently, it's now become un-American to question authority or governmental malfeasance. The Founders must be spinning in their graves.

Free speech is no longer acceptable when the jackass occupying the White House, courtesy of a stolen election, is lambasted or even questioned. Right? Worse yet, never question policy outrageously unfair to Palestinians killed at an 8 or 9 to 1 ratio to Israelis, courtesy of American supplied F-16's and Apache attack helicopters. Frankly, according to fascists apologetic for American and Israeli excesses, it's become unpatriotic to challenge the established order.

Apparently, it's more than a Left-Right issue. Partisans are more concerned with protecting their man in the White House and his "Administration", however, than in the Right Wing principles they hold so dear. Case in point? The firing of National Review Columnist Ann Coulter. The National Review is well-known as a Right Wing rag. Apparently, however, it does not believe in free speech.

While much of the material is indeed offensive to anyone left of Adolph or Benito, writers in a free society should be free to express themselves anyway they damn well see fit. Why not? If you find their views offensive, peacefully challenge them.

The intellectually superior view will prevail if properly and skillfully expressed. Why should anyone be muzzled? No matter how offensive. If they are, who's next? Precisely why the American Civil Liberties Union did the right thing back in the 60's when it defended the right of Neo-Nazis to express themselves. As painful as it was back then, it was the right thing to do. The same is true today. Exactly why it was so gutless for the National Review to fire Coulter.

Indeed, Coulter's response to the September 11 attack was offensive. Extremely offensive: "We should invade their countries, kill their leaders and convert them to Christianity." Dear readers, it is no secret this writer has vigorously challenged attempts by the Fascist Right to establish an unconstitutional Christian theocracy in the United States. The Founders clearly wrote the First Amendment to guarantee freedom of religion as well as freedom FROM it. Although strongly opposed to the views of Coulter, she DOES have the right to express them.

Her firing by the jackasses running The Review is not only hypocritical, but extraordinarily cowardly. Although The National Review received numerous complaints from sponsors as well as readers from the Right, Center, and Left, it should have stood firm. A far better approach than firing would have been to publish the complaints in their entirety.

As every writer knows, you can write whatever you like, but you had better be prepared to accept the response. ... Otherwise, you have no business writing. A good writer welcomes and can easily handle all criticism, -- whether positive or negative.

For the exchange of ideas to be foolishly and gutlessly muzzled, no matter how offensive, the only choice left becomes violence. Precisely why free speech is so precious. It provides an alternative to armed conflict in a supposedly civilized society. Let the combat be verbal in our publications, rather than violent in the streets of our country.

The Review has glaringly forgotten this fact. Management was apparently more concerned with the financial bottom line, than with the purpose it is there to serve. Too bad. Extremely shortsighted.

*****"Security" vs. Rights*****

Sadly, the U.S. has an abominable history of assault on civil liberties during past national emergencies and wars. Readers are reminded President Roosevelt shamefully imprisoned Japanese-Americans in camps after Pearl Harbor. Abraham Lincoln outrageously suspended habeas corpus and imprisoned editors critical of his policies during the Civil War.

... Extremely shortsighted and hypocritical of a politician who otherwise had an unblemished record. When government suspends civil liberties, it becomes the enemy, worse than the foe on the battlefield. Precisely why terrorists practice their deadly trade. Sadly, a fascist "President" and his henchmen are shamelessly using the September 11 attack as a convenient excuse to shit on the Bill of Rights and precious civil liberties. Should the jackass in the White House decide it in his best interests to imprison writers in strong disagreement, it would indeed be an honor to sit in a jail cell.

*****Web Firms Cowardly Give In To Law Enforcement*****

By their own admission, numerous web firms ignored privacy policies and gave government goons unlimited access to their clients' personal data after the September 11 attack. Some of these companies handed over complete databases to law enforcement without a court order or search warrant. Police are under no obligation to return or delete this information.

Think thugs in government won't use personal data unethically? Officers already lie to citizens during investigations with impunity. Yet, when the shoe is on the other foot, it is illegal to do the same to them. Apparently, Internet companies will accommodate these fascists by changing privacy policies to allow goons access to user information during national "emergencies". Adolph and Benito would have been proud. ... Time to wake up, friends. -- Before it is too late.

*****Eugene Scalia*****

Name sound familiar? It should. Eugene Scalia is the son of U.S. Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia. Arguably, the most fascist member of the Court. The younger Scalia, however, is a chip off the old block and may be even more extreme than his old man. The "President" wants him confirmed as the Labor Department's top lawyer. Not surprising, is it? After all, Ole' George "The Tush" is determined to protect greedy corporations at the expense of labor. How better to do it than to nominate a Right Wing extremist Adolph and Benito would have been proud of?

Scalia could care less regarding the health and welfare of the labor force. This fascist dismisses ergonomics and current regulations as "junk science" and "quackery". Ole' Eugene clearly has his head securely lodged up his ass and wouldn't know quackery and junk science if it bit him hard on the butt. Where is his criticism of "religious" extremists who insist evolution should not be taught in the schools?

... Apparently, card carrying members of the Flat Earth Society appeal to Ole' Eugene as well. All joking aside and interestingly, Scalia was forced during hearings to admit he represented only two workers in a ten-year labor law career. ... Hardly, an attorney who will look out for the best interests of workers. Precisely, what the "Chief Executive" desperately wants, no?

*****Police Killing*****

Prince George police officers, in the Washington, D.C. area, have an horrendous history of questionable killings of citizens in their jurisdiction. Continuing the streak, officers pepper-sprayed a knife-wielding man before pumping six slugs into him after he refused to drop his weapon. The man repeatedly shouted "You are not going to take me alive." "I'm going to go to heaven today." "I'm not going to jail." Reportedly, the man was killed only for refusing to drop the knife. It's time for another look at police procedure and tactics.

*****"President" Wants Additional Taxcuts*****

That's right. "The Tush" wants an additional $60 billion in taxcuts, -- as before, most of which will go to the rich and Corporate America. Deficit spending? What the hell's that? Where is the outrage of "conservatives"? Got to take care of the Good Old Boys, no? Not surprisingly, the level of pork has once again skyrocketed as Congress stumbles over itself to supply relief to all aggrieved by the September 11 attack. Taxpayers will ultimately take it hard in the ass without the Vaseline. Wouldn't be so bad if the money truly went to those in terrible need. Can't have that, now, can we? Never happen. ... Got to take care of pork barrel beneficiaries first, no? Sadly, as American as mom and apple pie.

The "President" is considering air-dropping some $320 million in food and medicine for the "poor souls" of Afghanistan. According to Mr. Bush, "This is our way of saying that while we firmly and strongly oppose the Taliban regime, we are friends of the Afghan people."... "In our anger, we must never forget we're a compassionate people." Is that right, Mr. "President"? Why not dump the food on our food banks in this country? As you know, they're hurting. --Thanks to the decimation of welfare and increasingly difficult foodstamp eligibility requirements.

Wouldn't want to take care of our own first, would we, George? Let 'em eat cake, right, sir? After all, "personal responsibility" is reserved for the unwashed masses, not for dolts like you and your cronies, right, Mr. "President"? Sadly, the "Chief Executive" could care less whether or not Afghans have food and medicine. What Ole' George is frantically concerned about is their support against the Taliban. Should Afghans support their government, it could prove disastrous to the coalition. -- As the Soviets found out twenty years ago. ... Think air-dropped food and medicine won't find itself in the hands of the Taliban and its troops?

*****Habeas Corpus*****

Constitutional guarantees? What the hell are they? Sousan Achou is a young woman living in a Jersey City, N.J. apartment. There is no gas or electricity and she has no idea when her husband is coming home. Worse yet, she is past her due date. Then again, who cares? Right?

Her husband, Abdoul Salam Achou, 37, is a Syrian national here on a tourist visa for the last nine months. He has been held since the September 11 attack. Why? He overstayed his visa by two weeks. Didn't want to travel while his wife was pregnant. Why was he jailed? Simple. He happened to live next door to two men who were being held as material witnesses. ... Two men he didn't even know.

Doesn't matter in a country that is growing dangerously fascist. Civil and constitutional rights? What the hell are they? U.S. Attorney General John Ashcroft, a bona fide fascist himself, essentially asserts foreign nationals have none and should be held indefinitely. Dear Ole' Johnny Boy is indeed miffed Congress is dragging its feet on anti-terrorist legislation designed to deny foreign nationals rights. ... Hey, Johnny? Adolph and Benito would have been proud. Sadly, not only is this legislation targeted against foreigners, but against Americans and the Bill of Rights. Wake up, friends. We're losing our country.

*****Klee's Kaleidoscope*****

Be sure to click on 'Kaleidoscope V3' for Harvey Klee's latest edition. On a lighter note, Mr. Klee has addressed an interesting problem with the state lottery.


Typographical errors drive you nuts? Been a problem for many area publications, including this one. ... Especially since there is no spell check function in the software provided by Maxpages. Being a speed reader, it is also extremely difficult to proof-read one's own material.

Compounding the problem is the limitation of the software itself. After over two years of effort looking for a way around this perpetually nagging problem however, a solution has finally been found. ... A round-about way of finding most errors without use of a proof-reader.

Some of you may have noticed earlier editions being updated. Only typographical errors are being corrected, however. -- Not substance. Fortunately, there were far fewer errors than expected. Usually one or two per edition so far.

... Extremely painful though, for a perfectionist. All joking aside, typographical accuracy is important and every effort is made to ensure it.

*****Unbridled Fear*****

As strongly asserted in the last 23 editions, gut-wrenching fear generated by the Narcotics Enforcement Team is quite impressive. After all, these Nazi stormtroopers not only outrageously intimidate defendants and their gutless attorneys, but even innocent third parties who have suffered at their corrupt and abusive hands.

Recently, a source came forward with allegations regarding the death of a loved one under exceptionally curious circumstances. Sadly, the survivor got cold feet.

Most pointedly and quite publicly, how in hell do you expect these abuses to end if you don't have the guts to stand up and expose them to the light of day?

Every time a source cowardly runs the other way, the corrupt and abusive sons of bitches win. Every g-ddamned time. Worse yet, another nail is driven into the coffin of liberty.

If you don't have the courage to stand up and do the right thing, why should this writer continue to place himself in physical and legal jeopardy trying to expose the outrageous corruption and abuse?

Tim Chorney, Publisher
The Llano Ledger

Tim Chorney, Publisher
P.O. Box 997
Buchanan Dam Tx. 78609

Page Updated Mon Oct 8, 2001 1:06pm EDT