The Llano Ledger

Newsletter Text V115


***********Continuation Of September 17, 2001 Newsletter**********

[Publisher's Note: Readers should go back to Newsletter Text V114 for the beginning of this week's edition. T.C.]

My, my, my. How the drumbeat for war grows louder and more incessant by the day. Amazing how a despicable act of terrorism can so quickly bring the American people together. Equally stunning how the public never questions its leadership and why the situation has deteriorated to the point where it is. Sadly, it's become un-American to question and challenge authority. -- Authority responsible for egregiously failing to protect the best interests of the people it allegedly serves.

What the hell happened to the intelligence community? Most pointedly, how can they repeatedly be caught with their pants down, securely wrapped around their ankles? Despite expenditure of billions annually, the CIA, National Security Agency, FBI, and other federal institutions were caught napping. Where is outrage of people to a glaringly inept and corrupt government that clearly did not do its job?

Incredibly, at least two of the hijacker pilots were trained by American flight schools. The immigration status of both men was also in question. Where the hell was our government? Did flight school executives have their heads securely lodged up their ass? Or are they merely aggressively stupid?

Jackass apologists for Central Intelligence such as former insiders Brent Scowcroft and George H. Bush conveniently claim we now need to get in bed with the criminal element and form alliances with former terrorists who supposedly will be loyal to the U.S. and our best interests. Stunning, isn't it? Especially so, coming from a former president who lied like hell about his involvement in Iran-Contra. Then again, it's quite alright, isn't it? After all, the ends justify the means when it comes to combating communism, don't they?

Apologists also claim we need to change our policy regarding the prohibition of foreign assassinations. Equally incredible, no? Do we really want to go down this path? Think the tables could not be turned, placing our own officials at risk? More pointedly, should we legalize murder of foreigners as we have the execution of prisoners in the name of "justice"?

Security at airports has been outrageously lax for years. Television news magazines have had their employees easily penetrate into supposedly secure areas. Yet, no substantive change has been made prior to Tuesday's attack. None. Now, travelers will be subject to even greater delays and hassles while the terrorists involved in the latest attack in all likelihood bypassed "security" through the use of ramp passes provided by accomplices.

Fascists also whine civil liberties need to be further eviscerated in the interest of "security". Interesting, isn't it? ... While conveniently ignoring the Founders who truly believed anyone willing to trade liberty for security deserves and winds up with neither. The FBI has already installed Carnivore intelligence gathering devices at several Internet Service Providers immediately after the most recent attack. Privacy means nothing to federal goons who not only access e-mails from criminal targets, but from the public at large.

The assault on civil liberties has become increasingly aggressive. Government goons are indiscriminately "detaining" "suspicious" people without benefit of arrest, -- hoping to develop probable cause. At the time of this writing, one individual has been arrested as a material witness. ... A convenient way of avoiding constitutional requirements, outrageously allowed and sanctioned for years by a fascist judiciary.

Late Thursday evening, September 13, the Senate passed a bill expanding wiretap law. Suspicion of terrorism will now be valid legal reason for government thugs to secure a tap should the bill pass into law. Dear readers, do any of you truly understand the ramifications? The potential for abuse by law enforcement as well as corrupt and abusive prosecutors? Any government turkey who doesn't like or has a problem with a dissident will now find it far easier to harass and intimidate.

The government does not need new more oppressive laws. Rather, it needs to better enforce statutes already on the books. Of course, the latest terrorist attack conveniently affords the Fascist Right an opportunity to aggressively continue its outrageous assault on the Bill of Rights. ... While the cowardly population is most compliant and susceptible to manipulation by corrupt and abusive officials. Precisely why Attorney General John Ashcroft is pressing for further evisceration of the Fourth Amendment with the blessing of the "President". Strike while the iron is hot, right, George?

The First Amendment is also under outrageous assault by the Fascist Right. Now, in the name of "security", government thugs will have one more weapon in the arsenal to impose their will on those in strong disagreement with policy. The result of atrocities in New York and Washington on September 11 may very well result in loss of liberties making the United States no different from terrorists. After all, the jackass who stole the election with the help of a fascist Supreme Court has strongly asserted the carnage is a direct assault on "freedom", hasn't he? He ought to know, shouldn't he?

Incredibly, the bill expands privacy intrusion into computer communications and reportedly permits U.S. attorneys to approve wiretaps. The hell with the Fourth Amendment, no? It also mandates the CIA get in bed with terrorists who will now generously and supposedly provide information valuable to the United States. Differences with the House version still have to be worked out. Think they won't, and "The Tush" won't sign unconstitutional abusive legislation? After all, Ole' George is a fervent member of the Right and strongly supports their shills.

While the "President" indeed needs to retaliate militarily, war alone will not solve the problem. Unless and until the United States displays an even hand in the Middle East, terrorism will prosper and grow. Should Ole' George be successful in killing or capturing Osama bin Laden, others will take his place. Doesn't mean "The Tush" should not go after him, however. What it means is that Mr. Bush needs to combine military action with a change in approach to Israeli-Arab relations. Now.

An attack against bin Laden, although necessary, is sure to result in the ratcheting up of terrorism both here and abroad. Americans should be willing to pay the price both in military casualties as well as casualties of citizens here who will die in future acts of terror. Tuesday's carnage is only the beginning.

Apparently, Ole' George has finally found a purpose to his "presidency". He states the war against terrorism will now be the focus of his "Administration". Interesting, isn't it? Other than the imposition of fascism, what the hell has he done to date? Already the Congress seems foolishly willing to give him a blank check, much as LBJ received in 1964. -- To the tune of $40 billion. ... Although privately expressing concern. Too gutless, however, to challenge the "President" publicly. Wonder how long the support and silence will continue after body bags return and the public turns against the effort?

The fitness of Mr. Bush for office and for the task at hand is also in question. Consider the following statements from Ole' George: "Now that a war has been declared on us, we will lead the world to victory, to victory." "I'm a loving guy and I'm also someone, however, who's got a job to do, and I intend to do it." "You will be asked for your patience, for the conflict will not be short. You will be asked for resolve, because the conflict will not be easy. You will be asked for your strength because the course to victory may be long," ... Hey, George? You sound like Die Fuhrer. Are you emotionally unbent or do you have delusions of grandeur? All joking aside, this man may not even be able to find bin Laden, never mind kill or capture him. Congress needs to keep a careful eye and leash on the "Chief Executive". Otherwise, the military venture to come may make Vietnam look like a walk in the park.

Equally disturbing, the "President" is deliberately whipping up bloodthirst by his call for vengeance. Hey, George? No question, you do need to capture or kill bin Laden and his cronies. It shouldn't be done for reasons of revenge, however. It should be done in the interest of justice and protection of innocent Americans. There's a big difference between justice and revenge, you jackass. Should it be done only for vengeance, we will be no different than bin Laden. Should you wantonly and deliberately kill innocent civilians in the interest of political expediency, you will indeed be no better than the terrorists targeted.

Prior to September 11, 2001, Mr. Bush was in deep political trouble. His policies and unabashed attempt to crap on the Constitution were being aggressively challenged by Democrats and Independents. Now, they're all in bed with a dolt unqualified to be "President". ... Even helping Ole' George to further eviscerate rights and liberties in the name of "security" and a "war against terrorism". Stunningly gutless. Then again, it's been clear for quite some time there is no substantive difference between both major political parties.

While the "President's" proclamation of Friday, September 14 as a "National Day of Prayer and Remembrance" was indeed a positive gesture, readers should note the "Chief Executive" gutlessly did NOT conveniently address several critical issues. First, why haven't heads already rolled in the FBI, CIA, and National Security Agency? After all, billions have been expended, yet not one of these agencies caught on to an extremely complicated conspiracy involving at the very least dozens of terrorists and their accomplices. Not surprisingly, the "President" neglected to mention the gaffe or how it would be remedied. Yet, he beats the war drums to draw attention away from an egregious failure.

Second, Ole' George conveniently had nothing to say regarding U.S-run flight schools who trained terrorist pilots. -- Pilots whose immigration status was in question. Third, the "President" had nothing to say about security being so lax at our nation's airports that terrorists were able to secure ramp passes from accomplices, giving them easy access to supposedly secure facilities. Fourth, where is the "President's" intention to pursue an even-handed approach to Middle East affairs? When will he finally discourage Israelis from wantonly killing Palestinians using American supplied F-16's and Apache helicopters? When will he finally force Israel to stop bulldozing Arab homes? The questions could go on and on. The "President's" disingenuous reaction to the crisis is nothing more than symbolism over substance. ... Right, Rush?

Rather than ask pointed questions of our "Commander In Chief", citizens, however, are content to leave their heads in the ground or more accurately, up their ass. It's easier to buy Flags and bash Arab-Americans, including vandalism of mosques. The level of bigotry in the United States is sickening, -- encouraged by a "President" who disingenuously admonishes the public not bash Arab-Americans, yet knowingly and deliberately whips up bloodthirst for revenge. ... Hey, George? Not everyone buys the charade, you jackass. Most pointedly, sir, eventually Americans will see who and what you are. Hopefully, it won't be too late. ... For the people and liberty.

*****Klee's Kaleidoscope*****

A poignant well-written article by Harvey Klee regarding last week's catastrophe will be posted shortly. Be sure to click on 'Kaleidoscope V2' in the Table of Contents.


Typographical errors drive you nuts? Been a problem for many area publications, including this one. ... Especially since there is no spell check function in the software provided by Maxpages. Being a speed reader, it is also extremely difficult to proof-read one's own material.

Compounding the problem is the limitation of the software itself. After over two years of effort looking for a way around this perpetually nagging problem however, a solution has finally been found. ... A round-about way of finding most errors without use of a proof-reader.

Some of you may have noticed earlier editions being updated. Only typographical errors are being corrected, however. -- Not substance. Fortunately, there were far fewer errors than expected. Usually one or two per edition so far.

... Extremely painful though, for a perfectionist. All joking aside, typographical accuracy is important and every effort is made to ensure it.

*****Unbridled Fear*****

As strongly asserted in the last 20 Newsletters, gut-wrenching fear generated by the Narcotics Enforcement Team is quite impressive. After all, these Nazi stormtroopers not only outrageously intimidate defendants and their gutless attorneys, but even innocent third parties who have suffered at their corrupt and abusive hands.

Recently, a source came forward with allegations regarding the death of a loved one under exceptionally curious circumstances. Sadly, the survivor got cold feet.

Most pointedly and quite publicly, how in hell do you expect these abuses to end if you don't have the guts to stand up and expose them to the light of day?

Every time a source cowardly runs the other way, the corrupt and abusive sons of bitches win. Every g-ddamned time. Worse yet, another nail is driven into the coffin of liberty.

If you don't have the courage to stand up and do the right thing, why should this writer continue to place himself in physical and legal jeopardy trying to expose the outrageous corruption and abuse?

Tim Chorney, Publisher
The Llano Ledger

Tim Chorney, Publisher
P.O. Box 997
Buchanan Dam Tx. 78609

Page Updated Mon Sep 17, 2001 5:22pm EDT