The Llano Ledger

Special Edition Newsletter Text V113

Hell On Earth

**************September 12, 2001***************

Tuesday, September 11, 2001, a day never to be forgotten. Simply, can't put into words the feeling engendered watching that jet striking the Tower as NBC and other networks repeatedly ran the video. Indeed, horrendous images of terrible acts of barbarism are surreal, indelibly burned into the American psyche. Who can ever forget the results? People jumping from windows. Mangled bodies. Seriously injured treated in triage. Incredibly courageous firefighters desperately trying to save people, only to tragically lose their own. -- At the latest estimate, some 300 of them.

As first one Tower, then the other, collapsed into piles of rubble several stories high, couldn't help but reflect on man's terrible inhumanity to his fellow man. As horrendous as all this is, it comes as no surprise. Sadly, it's been in the making for at least the last 35 years, if not longer. What is surprising is that it did not occur sooner. There is NO excuse for terror, however. None. There are, indeed, reasons. Always reasons. Whether valid or not. Reasons, we as Americans, have ignored. Ignored at our peril. ... Ignorance that has been deliberate and ongoing for decades.

Western thought is radically different from that in the Middle East. Approach to life, death, and religious beliefs is remarkably alien to ours. Fighting has gone on since biblical times and will undoubtedly continue. Pointedly, the United States has not been even-handed in its approach and has outrageously ignored lopsided casualties and bulldozing of Arab homes for years. Worse yet, land taken in the 1967 war has not been returned and Palestinians have been denied sovereignty and a homeland. Should this continue, so will terrorism. In no way does it excuse or justify the cowardly taking of innocent life. The terror, however, will only intensify as Israel and the U.S. remain recalcitrant and indifferent to Palestinian rights.

Palestinians are indeed outraged American supplied F-16's and Apache attack helicopters have been used to kill them. Foreign aid to them dwarfs that provided to Israel. Worse yet, their leaders have been targeted by Israel for assassination. Yet, the United States tolerates and supports abusive Israeli tactics for domestic political reasons. Think Arabs are stupid and don't fully understand the status quo? Time for the U.S. and Europeans to broker a true lasting peace. Now.

While President Clinton struggled for eight years to reach a settlement, he had to deal with a strong Israeli lobby, severely limiting and effectively tying his hands. Mr. Bush, conversely after being installed in office, had a hands-off approach to the Middle East. -- Until quite recently, as things began to heat up. Now, he'll have no choice. Hopefully, Mr. Bush will be well-served by staff and wisely accept counsel from both his own party and that of the opposition. He has strongly suggested the terror is an attack on freedom. It's far more than that. It is an attack launched in revenge for American support of Israeli abuse of Arabs.

Sadly, the attack apparently will surpass Pearl Harbor in number of casualties. For the first time in history, the American mainland has been devastated by an enemy, elusive and quite difficult to find and attack. Be interesting to see how Mr. Bush proceeds in the days and weeks to come. Quite chilling, in fact, to see American jets flying fighter cover over our nation's capital as well as New York City. Who would have thought it could ever happen, no?

Important to remember, however, not all Islam supports the radical extreme apparently represented by the terrorists involved in the most recent attack. Most believers are non-violent and do not condone murderous behavior by the lunatic fringe. It's important bigots not bash the Arab-American community. Blame must be reserved for those truly responsible for the carnage. The United States government must also be held accountable for policy deliberately and decidedly not even-handed in the region.

Of even greater importance, it is critical the Fascist Right not be allowed to use terrorism as an excuse to further eviscerate liberty and rights guaranteed by the Bill of Rights and rest of the Constitution. Should that happen, the terrorists will have won. As the Founders of this great nation truly believed, anyone willing to trade liberty for security deserves and winds up with neither.

Tim Chorney, Publisher
The Llano Ledger

Tim Chorney, Publisher
P.O. Box 997
Buchanan Dam Tx. 78609

Page Updated Wed Sep 12, 2001 12:03pm EDT