The Llano Ledger

Newsletter Text V11

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*******************September 27, 1999****************

Old habits die hard, -- if ever. Our illustrious Sheriff is once again apparently stonewalling. The following letter was recently snail-mailed to him.


Sheriff Nathan Garrett
Llano County Sheriff's Dept.
100 W. Sandstone
Llano, Tx. 78643

Tim Chorney, Publisher
The Llano Ledger
Rt 2 Box 464A
Buchanan Dam, Tx. 78609

September 24, 1999


Why waste my time as well as that of your chief investigator by providing an e-mail address you apparently had no intention of responding to? Didn't Mr. Bauman indeed forward the two messages dated September 16 & 22 to you? ... Or is this part of the ongoing pattern of stonewalling?

As previously agreed on Thursday September 9, I'm writing a third time to schedule an appointment to review the booking records. I anticipate needing no more than several hours to complete the task. As discussed, a Wednesday or Thursday appointment would be just fine. Could we finally schedule the review for Thursday September 30? Any time convenient for the jailers would be satisfactory.

If this date is unsatisfactory, kindly suggest another one. Having been recently contacted by the office of the Texas Attorney General, you're surely well aware booking records are indeed public documents and must be made available for inspection under the Texas Open Records Act. I fully understand jail operations take precedence, however, and would be more than willing to return at a later date and time should booking become busy during my visit. Thank you for your time, consideration, and eventual cooperation.

Tim Chorney, Publisher
The Llano Ledger

cc: File


Readers should understand booking records are indeed public documents. Sooner or later the Sheriff will have to grant access under the Texas Open Records Act. Having been contacted by the office of the Texas Attorney General, Garrett is well aware of his responsibility.

If he doesn't comply, he's in violation of the law. ... If scheduling a review of booking records is this difficult, can you imagine the obstacles to scheduling the pending interview regarding the jail-rapes scandal? ... If he doesn't indeed change his mind and renege? Equally pointedly, I have heard nothing from the Sheriff regarding my request for access to the Kerrville billing records. Readers will remember this information was requested in person September 9. Copies could have been made, or access granted, at that time. Apparently, he's still "considering" (stonewalling?) the request. Interesting, no?

-- "Ain't" bureaucracy grand? We even get to pay for it. While indeed petty and undoubtedly the least of it, all stonewalling will be promptly and completely reported by this publication. After all, the public needs to be fully informed as to how our illustrious officials operate.

... Our taxpayer dollars effectively and efficiently at work, no? The Sheriff apparently wants all requests in hardcopy. Why? To generate additional unnecessary paperwork and cost to the taxpayers? -- To further stonewall? ... Nathan, why foolishly provide more fodder than I already have? You're making it too easy. After all, you only have so many tail feathers to pluck, and the next election is fast approaching.

Hard to believe it's been nearly six months since the launch of _The Llano Ledger, isn't it? Time indeed seems to pass more quickly each day. There have been over 2600 hits to date. I'm deeply grateful and truly humbled. ... These aren't hollow or empty words, but genuinely felt and expressed.

To be truly effective, this publication demands tireless effort. -- Seven days/week, 16-18 hrs. each day. ... One day blends into the next. I often forget what day of the week it is. All joking aside, a commitment to excellence demands no less.

This publication is non-profit, and will remain so. After all, how many local businesses would be willing to advertise in an alternative news source targeting corrupt and abusive officials? Interestingly, these businesses are regulated by the same officials targeted. Ironic, isn't it? -- Especially since support of this publication would ultimately result in less bureaucratic regulation and abuse. More importantly, recent unethical and highly abusive pressure was brought to bear by the Mayor and Llano City Council on the Chamber. Other than _The Ledger, who reported it? Where were the media?

Although non-profit, _The Ledger requires financial support to survive, thrive, and be most effective. As repeatedly asserted, this publication receives no income from banner advertising. The existent ads pay only for the site itself. I receive no financial renumeration as publisher.

As many of you already know, I don't even own the computers used to access the Internet. I have no phone, nor fax. Considering who I target, it's just as well. -- All my time would be spent on the phone dealing with harassment. All joking aside, I do prefer e-mail, since it provides a date and time stamp. Best of all, there is no phone tag.

Quite frankly friends, I need your help. For this publication to survive and proceed to hardcopy a grassroots effort is absolutely required. ... An effort supported by the people it truly serves, -- all of you. Minimal financial support or sponsorship by readers would not only literally keep beans in the pot, but more importantly allow buyout of the banner advertising on this website.

Why is a buyout so important? It would allow the placement of my own sponsors here. While local businesses may initially be reluctant to risk supporting _The Ledger, eventually that would change after the growing level of public support is fully appreciated by these businesses.

More importantly, local sponsorship would allow this publication to proceed immediately to hardcopy. Public exposure would certainly generate additional funding as circulation increases.

To quickly generate hardcopy without capital, however, a grassroots effort would indeed be required. All of you, owning a printer and willing, could be part of the effort. While each newsletter edition would remain as is, a shorter more concise edition suitable for downloading and printing as a one page hardcopy edition would be made available. -- The weekly Newsbriefs section could be expanded to an abridged one page edition suitable and convenient for printing.

Anyone interested could print as many, or as few, copies as desired or affordable. You could then distribute them to family, friends, associates, bulletin boards, etc.. Convenience stores contacted have expressed an interest and willingness to distribute them free to the public. If you're willing to participate, let me know.

For the last six months, I've concentrated solely on producing the very best product week after week. Needless to say, I've also tirelessly and aggressively fought off harassment and stiff opposition from our illustrious officials.

Virtually nothing about this publication is conventional, -- from philosophy to the aggressive tactics employed to target and expose corrupt and abusive officials. Conventional business wisdom would dictate _ The Ledger should not have survived to date. After all, I've broken most, if not all, the rules conventional business thinking demands. Yet, _The Ledger has not only survived, but generated mushrooming public interest. ... Who "could'a", "would'a", "should'a", "thunk" it, no?

All joking aside, the one constant, however, in all this has been absolute adherence to honesty. -- Credibility is the one commodity priceless and non-negotiable to any publication of substance.

Friends, I need your aid and support. Simply put, if you believe in _The Llano Ledger and what I'm trying to accomplish, kindly financially support the effort. If we don't do this together as citizens of Llano County, no one will. Other area media have certainly demonstrated no inclination or willingness to cover the issues routinely reported here. I can't indefinitely do this alone without your help. The financial support has to be there, -- not only from businesses, but from all of you. Help me to help you. Again, as should be clear by now, these are not empty or hollow words. Regardless, _The Llano Ledger is, and will continue to be a force for positive change in our community. One way or the other, this publication is here to stay. Help me to take it to the next step, -- hardcopy.

Financial support at the grassroots level is critical for another far more important reason: independence. _The Ledger has been, and will always be, fiercely independent of powerful financial interests as well as abusive government. This publication would willingly go under first before succumbing to undue influence of either. ... There is an old adage short, sweet, and to the point: "Better to die one one's feet, then to live on one's knees. Indeed, _The Llano Ledger truly belongs to the people, -- and always will.

Tim Chorney, Publisher (Scroll down for earlier edition.)

*******************September 20, 1999****************

In an update to a story published September 7 regarding the proposed Chamber-HCWM merger, James Babcock, President of HCWM, has apparently succumbed to pressure and decided to back off, -- for the moment. It has been strongly and repeatedly asserted by credible sources Chamber Executive Director Regina Eldridge has indeed stood firm to enormous pressure placed on her by Mr. Babcock, Mayor Terry Hutto, and Lance Center. Since Ms. Eldridge has continued to stonewall all requests for information, I have not been able to confirm this. If indeed true, she must be commended for having the courage and fortitude to stand up to unethical and abusive governmental authority.

The level of stonewalling in this case has been unusually high (even by Llano County standards), leading me to believe there is much more to this story than I originally thought. It's indeed amusing how our most egregious foibles are so easily swept under the rug, isn't it? More pointedly, where are our prosecutors? While the merger is apparently off for now, the ongoing status of this situation will be very carefully monitored.

When will public officials finally understand there are indeed finite limits to their power? More pointedly, when will they finally refrain from abusing that power to aid and abet a crony? Figuratively speaking, when it comes to governmental abuse, the policy at this publication has been, and will always be, to "take no prisoners". ... It's time for the Mayor and several of his cohorts on the Council to finally wake up.

Llano County Jail inmate David Paul Frost, 19, escaped from the facility at 9:25AM, Tuesday, September 14 through an electronic gate he managed to force open wide enough to get past. Sheriff Nathan Garrett, other deputies, Llano city police, DA investigators, and others were all immediately in hot pursuit of the prisoner. Freedom lasted approximately 13 minutes when Frost was captured by DA investigators and Llano city police at Sandstone and Ash Streets near the Llano River. Complaining of back injuries, he was taken to Llano Memorial Hospital, released shortly, and returned by officers to the jail.

Frost, who had earlier been convicted of a June 1998 aggravated robbery at the Kingsland Slab, was to be transported September 17 to TDC to serve a 30 yr. sentence. He will be bench-warranted back to Llano County to face a third-degree felony escape charge. As readers may remember, the earlier conviction had captured wide-spread attention when Robert Frost (the father of the prisoner) criticized the severity of his son's sentence as compared to those of three other juveniles involved in the crime.

Our illustrious County Judge and the Commissioners have formally approved a $6,483,761 budget and set the tax rate at $.3693/$100 evaluation. Coupled with the egregious ongoing overappraisal of properties by Chief Appraiser Gary Eldridge and his cronies, the taxpayers can expect a 7.15% increase in County taxes on the average homestead. Aren't we lucky? ... We must remember these leeches at election time.

Similarly, our illustrious new LISD Superintendent Jack Patton and his cronies on the School Board have shafted the taxpayers with a whopping tax increase to $1.6572/$100 evaluation. This outrageous increase is exacerbated by an equally egregious increase in property appraisals courtesy of Chief Appraiser Eldridge and his minions. Yet, construction delays and waste continue throughout all of LISD. While the Superintendent is adept at employing long-time personal cronies such as Sid Schmidt in high management positions, when will he finally learn to frugally spend taxpayer dollars?

Will these bureaucratic leeches ever get enough? More pointedly, where is the School Board and its responsibility to the beleaguered taxpayers? With little to no inflation nationwide, a whopping increase in tax revenues is outrageous, unjustified, and a clear call for tax revolt.

Tina Wisdom of Llano has graciously submitted a letter for publication in response to the September 13 newsletter. It can be be found in Reader Letters Vol1. I would like to publicly thank and salute her courage for stepping forward.

Tim Chorney, Publisher

Tim Chorney, Publisher
P.O. Box 997
Buchanan Dam Tx. 78609

Page Updated Tue Oct 9, 2001 1:37pm EDT