The Llano Ledger

Newsletter Text V105

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*****As repeatedly and strongly asserted on both Ledger websites, this publication receives NO compensation from Maxpages nor the advertisers. None. Banner and pop-up advertising pays ONLY for the website itself, -- a "free" website. People still mistakenly think there is compensation. ... How do I make it any clearer???

Want this publication to continue? Send a financial donation to P.O. Box 997, Buchanan Dam, Tx. 78609. Ask your friends to do the same. Otherwise, The Ledger will not survive. ... When will this readership finally wake up? Think there's an indefinite free ride? Think any business can survive without compensation? Think it's always the other guy's responsibility? Think again. The clock is ticking...*****

********************August 6, 2001********************

*****Attempt At Intimidation By District Attorney Fails*****

District Attorney Sam "The Sham" Oatman, apparently in response to a pointed Open Records Request sent to LMHS Administrator/CEO Kevin Leeper days earlier, attempted to intimidate this writer by e-mailing what turned out to be a bogus "Grand Jury-Medical Records Subpoena", Monday, July 30, 2001. The e-mail exchange with this apparently corrupt and abusive "prosecutor" can be found in the July 30, 2001 Newsletter. Readers are reminded the e-mailed messages were confirmed as originating with the 33rd Judicial District Attorney's Office by the District Judge's Office in Burnet.

At the end of business the same day, however, the following message was received from Oatman's office:

Date: Mon, 30 Jul 2001 16:54:45 -0500
From: "DA's Office" <> [add to address book] [add to spam block list]
Subject: email you received

Mr. Chorney: the email you received was a virus. Somehow, a virus attached to email and was sent out with our email address attached. Do not open any email from us with attachments.

Thanks, Angela
DA's Office

Hey, Sam? ... That's the best you can offer? Can't be a bit more creative after an outrageously blatant act of intimidation? -- An aggressively stupid ruse that backfired? Interestingly, the office flunky didn't have the courage to provide her last name. Then again, part of the game, right, Sam? The explanation is not credible for four glaring reasons:

First, the timing. The bogus e-mailed subpoena conveniently came six days after a pointed Open Records Request e-mailed to the Hospital Administrator.

Second, the behavior of the messages themselves was indicative of a "return receipt" applet.

Third, why the hell is the e-mail address of this publication conveniently in the District Attorney's address book? Prior to July 30, 2001, this publication had no e-mail contact with Oatman or any of his office cronies.

Fourth, it is not reasonable to suspect the District Attorney or any of his henchmen are so stupid they would not heavily protect an address book against hacker attack. After all, this is the office of a "prosecutor", isn't it?

... Hey, Sam? Haven't gotten the message yet? This writer won't be intimidated. Thanks for the additional fodder.

*****Press Shield Laws*****

Freedom of the press? What the hell's that? The First Amendment, however, supposedly guarantees it. Yet, the federal government apparently has no respect for the right of the people to a press unfettered by government coercion. A free-lance writer has been jailed for refusing to turn over materials germane to the murder of a Texas millionaire's wife. A federal "judge" imprisoned Vanessa Leggett recently for her refusal to hand over notes to a federal grand jury. Outrageously, she was found in contempt at a closed hearing. ... Sounds like Nazi Germany, doesn't it?

District court judges have similar power. In Texas, there is virtually no protection against such abuses. Readers should understand freedom of the press is critical to a free country. Without it, there is no liberty. When media people are forced to become agents of a fascist police state, everyone's rights are in jeopardy.

This writer would gladly go to jail rather than release the identity of a source. It is extremely important to protect confidentiality regardless of pressure imposed by corrupt and abusive prosecutors and judges. Otherwise, no one would come forward with information. More importantly, not to do so would place informants in physical danger from law enforcement and other government goons.

Yet, the media has to balance news coverage with the legitimate right of the people to be protected from predators. For example, had Oatman requested information from Open Records Requests germane to employee looting of the Hospital, this writer would have gladly and willingly cooperated with the District Attorney. In that investigation, there are no confidential sources to protect. ... Of course, Ole' Sam has no interest in Hospital looting anyway. Remember? He takes care of his own, and could have easily gained access to the material himself. ... "Hear no evil, see no evil, speak no evil." Right, Sam?

Regardless, Ms. Leggett is to be congratulated for her courageous refusal to turn over notes to prosecutors. She did precisely the right thing and is to be commended. Disturbingly, the hearing was not done in public. Such fascist repression unchecked, however, will stifle a free press and hasten a revolution, inevitable as government continues to shit on the U.S. Constitution, particularly the Bill of Rights.

*****"President" Concerned With Personal Appeal To Masses*****

That's right. Ole' George "The Tush" and his handlers are concerned the "Chief Executive" does not appeal to the ordinary Joe or Jane. Well, hell, George, you and the GOP are clearly in the pockets of Corporate America. -- Particularly, Big Oil and the insurance companies. The energy bill recently passed in the House generously lines the pockets of your corpulent cronies. Outrageously, your "Vice President" has refused congressional access to documents germane to an investigation examining the influence of Big Oil executives on a stacked energy commission. ... Nothing quite like "open" government, is there?

Equally pointedly, the "President" has successfully twisted the arms of gutless members of the House who recently passed a patients' bill of rights that does nothing more than protect the best interests of HMOs. Language in the bill makes it difficult to sue greedy and negligent providers who place the bottom line ahead of medical consumers. Worse yet, what in hell is $1.5 million each in caps for punitive damages as well as pain and suffering?

What true deterrent does it place on greedy HMO executives who routinely shaft patients without the Vaseline? Why not continue to screw them when only a handful will be able to sue, and, should they prevail, only expect to collect a few million bucks for the wanton death of a patient? Hopefully, Senate Democrats will offer stiff opposition. Then again, there is little to no difference between both major political parties. Additionally, the GOP-passed bill generously protects the rich since recovery for loss of income is not capped. ... Wouldn't want the corpulent greedy to suffer any pain, would we?

Readers are reminded the "President" originally wanted $500,000 caps on punitive damages as well as pain and suffering. ... This from a "compassionate conservative", hypocritically wearing his "religion" on his sleeve. Nothing quite like Christian charity, no?

Republicans have disingenuously and falsely complained of frivolous healthcare lawsuits. Absolute bull. Bush, as governor of Texas allowed a patients' rights bill to pass into law without his signature. Since then, there have been only a handful of lawsuits. -- Proof positive, there is no frivolous lawsuit problem. On the contrary, egregiously aggrieved patients have been denied justice. Precisely what greedy Republicans intended.

Then again, par for the GOP who relentlessly protects business at the expense of the little guy. Interestingly, Republicans have remained gutlessly silent as the family of Rev. Lawrence Martin Jenco was awarded $314.6 million for being held hostage in Iran. ... Nothing quite like the stench of hypocrisy, is there? GOP apologists disingenuously whine employers will drop healthcare coverage. Should they, tax the living shit out of them. When these greedy businesses fail, room is left for entrepreneurs more sensitive to employee needs.

*****"President" Crows About First Six Months*****

That's right. Mr. Bush is "cock-a-doodle-doin'" about the first 180 days of his Supreme Court-appointed "Administration." Convenient, isn't it? Indeed the "Chief Executive", policy-wise, has clearly crossed the line from conservatism to fascism, -- in effect calling for an abusive and dangerous oligarchy based on a pernicious blend of government, big business, and religion. A classical definition of fascism. ... A boot-heel cynically placed on the throat of the masses, justified in principle by perversion and bastardization of religion.

While there is certainly nothing wrong with leading an intensely spiritual life, devastating injustice occurs when zealots attempt to force their beliefs on others. ... As fascists feverishly attempt to disingenuously establish Christianity as the state religion in violation of the First Amendment. -- The true reason the "President" is determinedly hell-bent on imposing his unconstitutional faith-based initiative.

*****Fiscal Restraint Vowed by House Republicans*****

That's right. A letter signed by 150 of 222 House Republicans promising fiscal discipline was recently sent to the "President". ... What the hell happened to the other 72? This, after Bush had complained for weeks of pork introduced by legislators, particularly Republicans. After all, the Good Old Boys have to take care of their own back home, don't they? "The Tush" is right on this one, however, and is to be commended. The level of pork introduced by both parties is horrendous. Nothing, in fact, has been done by either Democrats or Republicans to change the status quo. Time to hold both parties responsible for the waste, particularly in the military.

*****Budget Fight Looms*****

When Congress, the "President", and "Vice President" return from extended summer vacations, a ferocious budget battle awaits as the tax cut and economic slowdown drastically reduce the federal surplus. The reduction will certainly impact the military, prescription drug benefits, education, etc.. It will be quite interesting to see if both parties keep their hands off Social Security and Medicare funds.

*****"President" Proposes Medicaid Changes*****

"The Tush", in a Saturday radio address taped Friday, proposed to reduce present benefits of Medicaid recipients to provide coverage to millions of uninsured receiving no care at all. Mighty generous of the dolt, no? "Let 'em eat cake", right, Mr. "President"? At the same time the address aired, Mr. Bush submitted to a six hour physical examination at Bethesda Naval Hospital. Can't imagine what Ole' George had to endure for hours, but certainly indicative of how royalty in this country are treated as compared to the unwashed masses. Readers are reminded senators and representatives are accorded the same level of care. For life. Yet, the masses are hard-pressed to receive any treatment at all. -- Some 42 million of us have no coverage, due largely to greed of employers who are too busy lining their own deep pockets.

*****Bush Loses Bid For "Fast Track" Trade Authority*****

Democrats have effectively denied the "President" broad trade authority that would have made it far easier for "The Tush" to have gotten his trade agreements past Congress. Why trust Ole' George with increased power? After all, we have a "President" who has aided and abetted his cronies in Corporate America at the expense of the people. Big Oil has certainly benefited, as well as medical charlatans the "President" is desperately trying to protect by limiting the right of patients to sue. Equally important, Ole' George is determined to loot taxpayers billions to line the pockets of defense contractors with a missile "defense" system that will not protect Americans from nuclear-tipped cruise missiles launched off-shore or from terrorists carrying suitcase-sized nuclear devices. -- The two most likely sources of nuclear attack according to experts. Most pointedly, why make it any easier for the "Chief Executive" to screw the citizenry? Clearly, the Democrats have done the right thing by denying Mr. Bush "fast track" trade authority.

*****Bush Lukewarm To Election Reforms*****

That's right. Ole' George "The Tush" isn't happy with election reforms recommended by former Presidents Carter and Ford. After all, the "President" doesn't want elections made any harder to steal. Not to worry, George. Your partisan cronies on the Supreme Court will once again appoint you "President", if necessary.

*****First Lady Laments Press Coverage Of Daughters*****

That's right. Mrs. Bush is peeved her daughters are receiving unwanted attention from the press. Tough, isn't it? The First Lady has conveniently forgotten who the hell is at fault, hasn't she? After all, both young ladies broke an abusive, aggressively stupid, zero-tolerance, underage drinking statute signed into law by their father, the "President", when he was governor. Instead of blaming the press, how about holding your daughters responsible for breaking the law, Mrs. Bush? -- Or, more pointedly, the dolt who signed the bill, turning young people into criminals who have done no worse than take an underage drink?

*****Christian Coalition*****

Nothing quite like Christian "charity", is there? U.S. District Judge Ricardo M. Urbina ordered the Christian Coalition to cease retaliating against four black employees who had the audacity to file a racial discrimination lawsuit last February. The workers had their hours cut back by some 50%. While greedy fascists loot tithes from gullible sheep and laugh their portly asses off all the way to the bank, their employees are paid $6-$8/hr. and have now had their hours cut in half in retaliation for filing a discrimination suit. Nothing quite like hypocrisy, is there? Apparently, these workers are not allowed to use the office's front door, or eat in an employee lunch room used only by whites. ... If true, only further evidence of closet bigotry in a supposedly integrated society. ... Wouldn't want to confuse the Fascist Right with the truth, however. They're too stupid to know any better.

*****Klee's Kaleidoscope*****

Be sure to click on 'Kaleidoscope' in the Table of Contents. Harvey Klee of Bluffton has written an interesting article critical of the creation of a costly county court-of-law in Burnet County currently being considered by officials there, with ramifications here in Llano County. The change, interestingly, would require county judges be licensed attorneys. ... Lawyers have certainly ingrained themselves into every facet of life, -- for good or bad.

Certainly would be preferable for statutes at all levels be re-written in easily understood English, rather than present "legalese", obviating the need for attorneys. Sadly, that will never occur, however. Worse yet, is the quaint feudal nature of the judicial system. ... "Judges" are treated remarkably like kings and queens.

Mr. Klee's article is well-written and thought out. It will be most interesting to see how long it will be before Llano County officials saddle taxpayers with measures similar to those being considered in Burnet County.

*****Kingsland American Legion Press Release*****

Be sure to click on 'Announcements' in the Table of Contents for a press release recently received from the American Legion.


Llano County resident and musician Gary Delz has launched a new webpage on his band website dedicated to exposure of problems within Llano County government and civic organizations. Mr. Delz is a former police officer who is tired of abusive law enforcement. The Llano Ledger is supportive of any and all who are courageous enough to expose government corruption. Be sure to access and click OUTKRY on the table of contents.


Typographical errors drive you nuts? Been a problem for many area publications, including this one. ... Especially since there is no spell check function in the software provided by Maxpages. Being a speed reader, it is also extremely difficult to proof-read one's own material.

Compounding the problem is the limitation of the software itself. After over two years of effort looking for a way around this perpetually nagging problem however, a solution has finally been found. ... A round-about way of finding most errors without use of a proof-reader.

Some of you may have noticed earlier editions being updated. Only typographical errors are being corrected, however. -- Not substance. Fortunately, there were far fewer errors than expected. Usually one or two per edition so far.

... Extremely painful though, for a perfectionist. All joking aside, typographical accuracy is important and every effort is made to ensure it.

*****Unbridled Fear*****

As strongly asserted in the last fourteen Newsletters, gut-wrenching fear generated by the Narcotics Enforcement Team is quite impressive. After all, these Nazi stormtroopers not only outrageously intimidate defendants and their gutless attorneys, but even innocent third parties who have suffered at their corrupt and abusive hands.

Recently, a source came forward with allegations regarding the death of a loved one under exceptionally curious circumstances. Sadly, the survivor got cold feet.

Most pointedly and quite publicly, how in hell do you expect these abuses to end if you don't have the guts to stand up and expose them to the light of day?

Every time a source cowardly runs the other way, the corrupt and abusive sons of bitches win. Every g-ddamned time. Worse yet, another nail is driven into the coffin of liberty.

If you don't have the courage to stand up and do the right thing, why should this writer continue to place himself in physical and legal jeopardy trying to expose the outrageous corruption and abuse?

Despite the lack of financial assistance from a cowardly and selfish community, the Llano Ledger and Llano Ledger 2 visitor count stands in excess of 136,400. ... Over two years, now. For what?

Tim Chorney, Publisher
The Llano Ledger

Tim Chorney, Publisher
P.O. Box 997
Buchanan Dam Tx. 78609

Page Updated Mon Aug 6, 2001 1:13pm EDT