The Llano Ledger

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********************July 16, 2001********************

*****"Administration" Peeved At NAACP*****

Ole' George apparently has his shorts in a tither regarding biting comments recently made by NAACP Chairman Julian Bond. Tough, isn't it? The "President" is insistent on changing the "tone" in Washington. Why? What's good for the goose is good for the gander. For eight years of the Clinton Administration as well as a year before attaining office, the American people were daily bombarded with perpetual excoriating rhetoric from the Fascist Right. ... Endless debasement of Clinton and his cronies. Some of it deserved. Much of it, not. Quite a bit of it, distortion of reality by extremists who deeply despised the former President and all he stood for.

While Ole' Bill was indeed a piece of crap and an extremely proficient liar, to the Right, he was much more, -- Satan incarnate. Now, when a partisan Supreme Court-appointed "President" is subject to intense public criticism, not only from Democrats who have finally found their voice but from independents as well, Mr. Bush conveniently wants "civility" and "tone". Interesting, isn't it? ... Better get used to it, Mr. "President". With all due respect, sir, "you 'ain't' seen nothin' yet." -- Especially as your blatantly fascist principles garner debate in both houses of Congress.

While Clinton was politically well right of what used to be considered Center in this country, Ole' George, policy-wise, has clearly crossed the line from conservatism to fascism, -- in effect calling for an abusive and dangerous oligarchy based on a pernicious blend of government, big business, and religion. Indeed, a classical definition of fascism. ... A boot-heel cynically placed on the throat of the masses, justified in principle by perversion and bastardization of religion.

While there is certainly nothing wrong with leading an intensely spiritual life, devastating injustice occurs when zealots attempt to force their beliefs on others. ... As fascists feverishly attempt to disingenuously establish Christianity as the state religion in violation of the First Amendment. -- The true reason the "President" is determinedly hell-bent on imposing his unconstitutional faith-based initiative.

While there is clearly nothing wrong with self-supported charitable activities by religious groups, a serious constitutional issue arises when taxpayer dollars are used to support churches mandated by tenet to proselytize doctrine. Indeed, no question churches will ultimately make indigent assistance conditional on acceptance of religious tenets. Absolutely no doubt. Especially, in Evangelical Christianity hell-bent on spreading the faith to all, -- regardless of whether or not it is wanted.

Clearly, there is certainly nothing wrong with Christian principles and beliefs, or deeply held tenets of other faiths. In fact, quite the opposite. Conversely, proselytization is deeply offensive, especially when unwanted. Interestingly, the Religious Right has no conception of the resentment it engenders and the damage done by forcing its jaded views on others. None. ... Including, the "Chief Executive".

Of equal importance, there is no way churches will keep government funds separate and apart from church monies. The "President" is intent, however, on ramming his religious views down the throat of all. Sadly, par for the course for an arrogant Aryan. ... Can you imagine the public uproar had "The Tush" been a Satanist rather than the Christian he claims to be?

Most pointedly, George, silence is no option, sir. After all, people remained silent in the 1930's, -- with disastrous results. Never again, Mr. "President". ... Certainly, never again. Pointedly, fascism must be strongly challenged long before it progresses to Nazism. ... Without question, it will be.

*****Civil Rights*****

The Salvation Army thought it had the backing of the Bush "Administration" in its bid to discriminate against the hiring of gays, -- a quid pro quo for support of the "President's" faith-based initiative. Ole' George quickly backed off when a firestorm erupted. What in hell did he expect? "Administration" officials have been long considering a way to reinforce the homophobic bigotry of the Religious Right. This was a carefully calculated golden opportunity, instantly shot down when publicly proposed by the Salvation Army. Yet, the "Administration" callously maintains a change in regulations is not necessary after all since church groups supposedly already have the right to discriminate against gays.

Sadly and compounding the problem, churches are allowed to discriminate against those seeking employment who do not share their religious beliefs, -- while cynically and greedily accepting tax-free status at the same time. A highly partisan and extremist U.S. Supreme Court, however, ignores church-state separation requirements imposed by the First Amendment. -- With the blessing of the Right. Interesting, isn't it? Benito and Adolph would have been proud.

*****Bush Won't Block "Peoples Republic" Bid For Olympics*****

That's right. Ole' George cowardly looked the other way as China aggressively pursued and then secured the 2008 Olympics. Readers are reminded "The Tush" recently tucked tail and agreed to Chinese demands the disabled EP-3 spy-plane be dismantled and shipped off Chinese soil in crates. Yet, the Fascist Right maintains its gutless silence, preferring to line the pockets of American corporations doing business in a communist state, widely known to employ slave labor. In marked contrast, the European Parliament had come out strongly against Beijing's efforts to host the 2008 games, accusing the Chinese of egregious abuses of human rights. In the United States, however, money talks and is far more important than principle.

*****Partisan Clash*****

GOP and Democratic partisan clashes are growing increasingly nasty. Democrats are claiming Republicans will have to dip into Medicare and Social Security funds to finance their taxcut for the wealthy, due to budget surpluses dropping like a rock in a faltering economy.

Worse yet for Republicans, patients' rights are only the tip of the iceberg. Prescription drug benefits to 39 million elderly and disabled citizens on Medicare will have to be addressed next. ... Far more than the "President's" proposed discount cards, strongly supported by big business terrified of having to provide prescription coverage to employees. Can you imagine how the GOP will howl?

... And howl they will as congressional elections quickly approach. Of even greater concern is the still unaddressed problem of 43 million who have no health insurance. If Republicans aren't careful enough not only will congressional elections be in question, but socialized medicine may be on the way as well.

... Think hurting healthcare providers like LMHS can stand much more? -- Especially when looted by greedy employees and withering government reimbursement?

*****Robin Hood Prevails*****

District Judge F. Scott McCown dismissed a lawsuit filed by four "wealthy" school districts against the state, declaring the school finance law constitutional. How 'bout that? In addition, His Majesty also ruled Robin Hood does not punish property-rich districts unfairly. Amazing, isn't it? What we have here in this "ruling" is the tacit message socialism is indeed constitutional. ... Where in hell is the outrage of the Fascist Right? Of course, Americans no longer "own" private property in the United States. The government does. You pay "rent" (taxes) to the master. ... Should you not pay the "rent", the master bequeathes "your" property to another sucker. Yet, both major political parties embrace this egregious travesty of liberty for reasons of expediency. ... The Founders must indeed be spinning in their graves.

Llano County taxpayers are reminded this area has been declared a property-rich school district due to the outrageous overappraisal of property in the Lakes Area from Tow to Horseshoe Bay by the Chief Appraiser and his apparently equally corrupt and/or incompetent cronies. The County Judge and his pals on the Commissioners' Court are equally responsible for cynically accepting this ongoing abuse by the Appraisal District. Then again, taxpayers are getting exactly what they deserve, aren't they. After all, they remain gutlessly silent.


Typographical errors drive you nuts? Been a problem for many area publications, including this one. ... Especially since there is no spell check function in the software provided by Maxpages. Being a speed reader, it is also extremely difficult to proof-read one's own material.

Compounding the problem is the limitation of the software itself. After over two years of effort looking for a way around this perpetually nagging problem however, a solution has finally been found. ... A round-about way of finding most errors without use of a proof-reader.

Some of you may have noticed earlier editions being updated. Only typographical errors are being corrected, however. -- Not substance. Fortunately, there were far fewer errors than expected. Usually one or two per edition so far.

... Extremely painful though, for a perfectionist. All joking aside, typographical accuracy is important and every effort is made to ensure it.

*****Unbridled Fear*****

As strongly asserted in the last eleven Newsletters, gut-wrenching fear generated by the Narcotics Enforcement Team is quite impressive. After all, these Nazi stormtroopers not only outrageously intimidate defendants and their gutless attorneys, but even innocent third parties who have suffered at their corrupt and abusive hands.

Recently, a source came forward with allegations regarding the death of a loved one under exceptionally curious circumstances. Sadly, the survivor got cold feet.

Most pointedly and quite publicly, how in hell do you expect these abuses to end if you don't have the guts to stand up and expose them to the light of day?

Every time a source cowardly runs the other way, the corrupt and abusive sons of bitches win. Every g-ddamned time. Worse yet, another nail is driven into the coffin of liberty.

If you don't have the courage to stand up and do the right thing, why should this writer continue to place himself in physical and legal jeopardy trying to expose the outrageous corruption and abuse?

Despite the lack of financial assistance from a cowardly and selfish community, the Llano Ledger and Llano Ledger 2 visitor count stands in excess of 128,700. ... Over two years, now. For what?

Tim Chorney, Publisher
The Llano Ledger

Tim Chorney, Publisher
P.O. Box 997
Buchanan Dam Tx. 78609

Page Updated Mon Jul 16, 2001 1:37pm EDT