Liberty In Peril


                                                                                       The Llano Ledger

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The FBI announced it's cracked the San Bernadino Smartphone.  Is that right?  Won't need Apple's assistance.  Still don't know if their hacking claim is true or not.  Until that's clear, Apple security and encryption are now in question.  If the security were truly robust, should have taken the hacker bastards working for the FBI years to have broken into the device.  Otherwise, the security is less than worthless since it gives a false sense of security that does not exist.

If U.S. manufacturers can't protect us against hackers, including law enforcement goons, we need to look overseas for more robust systems and encryption.  While there is no such thing as perfect security, it should certainly take hackers, including law enforcement goons on fishing expeditions with no warrant far more than a few days to break into any phone or digital device.

We now live in a goddamned fascist police-state where government can no longer be trusted.  Has abrogated that trust over and over and over again.  All levels of government.  We are no longer a free country.  Far from it.  Time to wake up.  Stand up, resist, do not cooperate with the bastards.  They're f--king the public.

Have become an exigent threat to all civil and constitutional rights and liberties.  A far greater threat than any foreign power, terrorist organization or the criminal element.  The terrorists have won.  Given the jackbooted bastards in our government, all levels, the excuse they needed to falsely, determinedly abrogate the Bill of Rights in the supposed interest of 'security.'

Most of you have stupidly bought this goddamned bullshit hook, line, and sinker.  You're cowards.  No longer Americans.  Sheep.  Gutless sheep.  As your country, all civil and constitutional rights and liberties have been stolen.  Abrogated.  Eviscerated.  You stood by helpless as these bastards robbed you of all that is, or at least was, most dear to Americans.  Constitutional rights and liberties.  Hopelessly, afraid.  Gutless.  Cowering to the jackbooted bastards all the more willing to jam their boot heels into your cowardly throats. Right, Sheriff?

As Franklin so wisely opined well over 200 years ago, anyone willing to trade liberty for security deserves and winds up with neither.  You get what you truly, richly deserve.  Too bad the rest of us suffer for your goddamned cowardice.  If our nazi government indeed makes it impossible for U.S. manufacturers to produce strong encryption and/or for us as citizens to import or download it from overseas, time to stop placing anything of substance on any digital device.  Certainly, no personal information.  This writer has adhered to this policy for years.  Always assumed there is no privacy, that it has been deliberately compromised by our traitorous, treasonous government and its corporate masters.  As convenient and useful as this technology truly is, that must never ever be forgotten.

The hell with the nazis in this government who traitorously loot, shake down, abuse the citizens they've falsely sworn to protect and defend, -- while deliberately, determinedly taking a raucous hard dump on and abrogating the Constitution they've falsely sworn to uphold.  ... Right, Sheriff?  Time to stop making excuses for these out of control jackbooted sons of bitches.

Privacy now trumps 'security.'  Has to.  Police go on fishing expeditions.  No warrant.  Do as they please.  Remain an exigent threat.  As encryption is strengthened, law enforcement will simply have to work harder to catch criminals, stop terrorists.  Liberty is dangerous.  Without question, if there is no privacy, there is no liberty.  There are risks.  Those risks must be taken, -- if we are to remain free.

... For you goddamned cowardly idiots out there who still can't see the danger.  This government has gone well beyond limits thought reasonable by the Founders.  Done so over the last couple of hundred years.  Give the bastards an inch, they take a light year.  How far are you willing to let them go?  At some point in the future, it is highly likely a machine could be invented that could allow these jackbooted bastards to connect to the human brain, download information.

It's already being researched as areas of the brain are carefully mapped and scientists struggle to fully understand how it works and how its contents can be accessed.  Will take some time, but should it eventually become reality, will you allow these goddamned jackbooted bastards the right to totally eradicate all privacy, including that of thought?  Wake up.  Take your thumbs out of your ass.  You're being f--ked.  Bamboozled.

Tim Chorney, Publisher
Liberty In Peril

Tim Chorney, Publisher
Liberty In Peril
The Llano Ledger
P.O. Box 151
Buchanan Dam, Texas 78609
United States Of America