Jennifer M. Barker, Constituent Liaison
Offices of Sen. Kay Bailey Hutchison
961 Pickle Federal Building
300 East Eighth Street
Austin, Texas 78701

March 15, 2007

Re: 49th Update To October 14, 2004 Correspondence

Dear Ms. Barker:

Before again addressing the ongoing unresolved credit reporting agency fiasco ignored by Sen. Hutchison and her office over two years now, the cowardly failure of both Texas U.S. senators to support the Senate resolution against the "President" and his Iraq policy is appalling. Both have cowardly placed party loyalty ahead of their oaths to protect and defend the Constitution.

The cowardly forfeiture of congressional war-making powers to a hopelessly corrupt and abusive "President," having absolutely no respect or regard for civil and constitutional rights and liberties, is a truly pathetic measure of the lack of substance of Ms. Hutchison, Mr. Cornyn, and their colleagues. Once again, both have egregiously disgraced themselves and our formerly great state. The cowardly failure of both political parties to quickly cut off all funding of the Iraq War will surely come back to haunt Democrats and Republicans in 2008.

The conviction of former Cheney Chief of Staff Scooter Libby is indeed a refreshing, positive change despite the failure of both Hutchison and Cornyn to rein in an exceptionally corrupt and abusive "President." … The worst since Richard Nixon. Sadly, however, "Vice President" "Slick Dick" Cheney has clearly been given a free pass by "Justice" Department prosecutors. Worse, no one, including Mr. Cheney, has been charged with traitorously disclosing the identity of a CIA operative. Why?

Why is our outrageously corrupt and abusive government protecting the prime mover, -- "Slick Dick," himself? Armitage and Rove, also conveniently ignored by the "Justice" Department. … Armitage, even admitting he spoke to the media regarding Plame’s identity. Yet ludicrously, no one has been prosecuted and/or impeached and convicted for this outrageous act of treason. Why?

Sadly, the pardon of Richard Nixon by Gerry Ford set an outrageous and dangerous precedent. While a presidential pardon is certainly legal and constitutional, it amounts to no more than legalized obstruction of justice, -- with profound consequences for future generations. Precisely why Reagan and Bush were not prosecuted and/or impeached for Iran-Contra. The precedent, indeed conveniently established for allowing outrageously corrupt and abusive presidents and their vice presidential side-kicks to escape justice.

Exactly why the current occupant of the Oval Office has also cowardly received a free pass, conveniently not investigated by Congress and/or criminal prosecutors.

… Despite the fact Mr. Bush is again without question the most corrupt and abusive president since Richard Nixon. Worse, cowardly and deliberately abrogated civil and constitutional rights and liberties in our formerly great country, falsely in the name of "national security." A truly pernicious consolidation of power. … Then again, this is Nazi America, isn’t it?

In an apparent effort to quell increasing criticism of mistreatment of recovering troops at Walter Reed Medical Center housing facilities, the United States military is systematically denying reporters access to troops not only there, but elsewhere, including bases in San Antonio. Why? What are they afraid of? If nothing to hide, why deny reporters access? Apparently, the military and the outrageously corrupt and abusive Bush "Administration" have forgotten a free press is indeed guaranteed by the First Amendment.

Amusingly, the Fascist Right has always championed "privatization" of government services. Why? Because they claim the private sector can do things more efficiently and at cheaper cost. The Nazi Right, however, conveniently ignores outsourcing of military services to Halliburton and other contractors who have royally screwed American taxpayers and short-changed troops. Then again, why confuse a fascist with the truth? Worse, Halliburton is moving corporate headquarters to Dubai, apparently to frustrate prosecution, make access to documents more difficult, etc. in a new administration after ole’ George "The Tush" and "Slick Dick" leave office.

Interestingly, IAP Worldwide Services, contracted for maintenance services, is apparently directly responsible for the horrendous conditions wounded military personnel have been forced to live under at Walter Reed. Where were the generals? Why weren't they touring these facilities, unannounced at any time of the day or night? Don't they give a damn about the troops? Where were lawmakers? Why have our veterans been increasingly and repeatedly denied benefits promised at time of enlistment? ... Amusingly and most interestingly, IAP is the same corporation that bungled ice deliveries after Katrina. -- Then again, we do get exactly what we deserve, don't we? Where is Ms. Hutchison’s outrage?

Repeatedly floated proposed DNA testing of "suspects" by federal law enforcement goons is grossly unacceptable and outrageously fascist. So are signing statements added to bills by "President" Bush. -- Sadly, a direct violation of the Constitution. It is egregiously unconstitutional for the "President" to add provisions to bills signed into law imperialistically declaring how and what he will enforce. A recent postal appropriations bill signed by Bush reportedly contained a provision declaring the supposed right of government goons to open mail without a warrant "under extraordinary conditions." The cowardly silence of Ms. Hutchison is appalling.

More ominously, billions of dollars remain unaccounted for in Iraq and may have been used by the "President" and his henchmen to fund terrorist groups, including al Qaeda, fighting Shiites. … Apparently, Mr. Bush perversely believes Shiites, particularly Iranians, to be a far greater threat than Sunnis. Where are congressional investigations to determine the truth? Why has our fascist "President" been given carte blanche to do as he pleases, unaccountable to no one? Doesn’t the senior senator from Texas, a high fixture in the GOP, appreciate the danger, the threat to liberty? Or is she indeed too much of a party woman?

Eight U.S. attorneys have been forced to resign, i.e. fired by the Bush "Administration." ... Including one in New Mexico, allegedly for refusing to indict Democrats before the November election. -- Another, for refusing to provide two Republican lawmakers with prosecutorial information. Yet, another for prosecuting former Republican lawmaker Duke Cunningham. Alberto Gonzalez has already admitted the White House was involved. Fascinating, isn't it? Where are the congressional investigations in light of the fact these allegations have been known for months? Why hasn’t the Attorney General been fired or forced to resign? Why hasn’t the GOP itself put pressure on the "President?"

An internal "Justice" Department audit has recently determined FBI goons have abused privacy rights of innocent citizens via the USA "Patriot" Act. An apology by Director Mueller and verbal support of him by the "President" simply don’t cut it. Where the hell are congressional investigations of these egregious ongoing violations, a recurring problem since cowardly passage of the Act years ago? Again, why hasn’t the Attorney General been fired? Ms. Hutchison’s continued support of this outrageously unconstitutional law and gutless silence since the audit was disclosed are appalling. Has she no courage at all?

When was the last time any federal law enforcement thug was charged with murder? Nearly always, they’re no billed by grand juries blindly following a Pied Piper federal prosecutor. -- The situation no better on state and local levels. When will the Senator rise to the occasion and finally embrace civil and constitutional rights and liberties? Or is she indeed a fascist like most of her fellow Republican compadres?

Sadly, Ms. Hutchison’s cowardly silence is deafening, especially since she’s already had the pleasure of earlier indulging in a most entertaining legal dance with Democratic Travis County District Attorney Ronnie Earle years ago. … Or was she indeed guilty as hell, having gotten off on a legal technicality? … As this writer believed at the time and to this very day.

… Hopefully, Earle has finally gotten a little smarter and will royally stick it to Tom DeLay, an outrageously corrupt and abusive criminal who shafted the public to line his pockets and support a corrupt political party and "President." Sadly, Nazi America. The Founders must indeed be spinning in their graves.

While the Fascist Right gleefully skewered Clinton for supposedly eviscerating the American military, no president in recent history has done more long-term damage than Mr. Bush. … Damage that will take decades to correct.

The war in Iraq has foolishly strengthened our enemies and exponentially damaged an already tattered American image abroad. Aggressive stupidity at its worst. … Our credibility in the world community gone. The "President," a failure and profoundly acute embarrassment to our formerly great country. The recent widespread violence in reaction to the "President’s" trip to five Latin American countries clearly demonstrative of our tattered world image.

Does the Senator really think anyone wants to be the last grunt to die in the hell-hole of Iraq, -- a war launched under outrageously false pretenses? … With pathetic cowardly rubber-stamp approval of both parties? Time for all funding to be cut off. Time for these troops to be re-directed to the search for bin Laden and his henchmen.

Time for the "President" and his GOP cronies to stop conveniently and falsely linking the war in Iraq to the 9/11 catastrophe. Time for this outrageously false propaganda to stop, as well as the shameless demonization of the Iranians as a prelude to another unprovoked attack. … No more than a false extension of the war in Iraq to Iran should it come to pass.

Sadly, the United States has created this Islamic terrorist monster. Six decades of unbridled support of the State of Israel at the expense of the Palestinians and other Arabs has exacerbated and nurtured this exponentially growing problem. While this conflict indeed dates back to biblical times, Arabs have never been fully compensated for seizure of their land 59 years ago. Why not?

Worse, the U.S. has not been an even-handed broker in the region. Apparently, never will be. We continue to seemingly permanently garrison American troops in Islamic countries, highly offensive to the Moslem community. Knowingly insist on doing so. Continue to callously and Aryan arrogantly support the outrageously corrupt and abusive House of Saud for political "reasons" and financial expediency.

Refuse to become energy independent due to the insatiably greedy energy industry and its unwillingness to aggressively pursue alternative energy sources for self-serving reasons. Financial contributions to the coffers of legislators, no more than bribes, are clearly and directly responsible for our failure to become energy independent fifty years ago. … How much money has the Senator received from this industry over the years? -- While the public pays near record-high gas prices and Big Oil enjoys record profits.

Since the fascist currently occupying the Oval Office and his henchmen are unwilling to change U.S. policy, expect the global "War On Terror" to go on indefinitely and be ultimately lost. Sadly, as likely will the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq. Worse, it is abundantly clear our formerly great state is hopelessly ill-served by two United States senators who have absolutely no regard for civil and constitutional rights and liberties.

… As fully demonstrated by their support of outrageously unconstitutional legislation such as the USA "Patriot" Act, Homeland "Security" Act, "Real" ID Act, warrantless domestic NSA spying now supposedly overseen by the FISA court, -- an outrageously unconstitutional secret court beholden to the "President" and "Justice" Department, use of national "security" letters to access personal information without a warrant, Executive Orders cleverly designed by the "President" to abrogate the Fourth, Fifth, Sixth, and Eighth Amendments, etc.. Sadly, the list can go on and on.

… To say nothing of "detainees" imprisoned for years without benefit of counsel or access to the courts, "rendition" of people kidnapped by CIA goons to countries where they are tortured and/or abused, as well as abuse and torture of "enemy combatants" in gulags run by the U.S. military.

The embrace of fascism by the GOP, i.e. the pernicious blend of government, business, and religion, is a far greater threat than any enemy, domestic or foreign. Particularly, since the cowardly Right uses the perversion and bastardization of "religious" principles to defend and "justify" its embrace. … As Adolph Hitler and Benito Mussolini back in the 30’s.

Amusingly, this is the 49th time, and counting, this correspondence has been conveniently ignored by the Senator and/or her office. … Nothing quite like competent constituent service, is there? Then again, this is Nazi America, isn’t it?

-- Where day is night, night is day, and manure smells perversely sweet. … Where only corporate donors and the rich are serviced by outrageously corrupt and abusive politicians, right?

… On a "happier" note, joining Transunion, Experian has apparently finally capitulated and removed both fraudulent listings, -- Alltel, and Datasearch on behalf of Baptist Air Life. The word "apparently" is used, however, since Experian previously removed both, only to subsequently re-post the fraudulent Datasearch listing. Regardless, CSC Credit Services and Equifax continue to stonewall all correspondence from this writer. … Ongoing egregious CRA stonewalling that continues to be ignored by Senator Hutchison and her office for over two years. When will the Senator finally take action?

Did you bother to read the case file? All 48 letters? The information sent from the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) in your letter of September 14, 2005 is outrageously unresponsive to all unresolved issues to date, and amusingly identical to material sent months ago by James Alredge. Did you bother to read it? It’s worthless. Why waste taxpayer funds? … Can’t dazzle ‘em with brilliance, baffle ‘em with bureaucratic BS? Is the outrageous ineptness systemic? Intentional? Deliberately designed to obfuscate? Would indeed be laughable, if not so incredibly sad.

This is the second time two employees of the Senator’s office pulled the exact, same "dog and pony show." Apparently, the Senator approves of such outrageous tactics, obfuscation, and pathetically ineffective constituent "services." -- Cleverly and conveniently, prevents her from having to deal with some of the worst corporate and federal abuses of our time. … Wouldn’t want to offend outrageously corrupt and abusive corporations, however, would she? After all, they shamelessly line her war chest and those of her colleagues, don’t they?

Worse, both "dog and pony shows" exquisitely demonstrate how very little respect the Senator truly has for her constituents’ intelligence. -- Then again, only "big money" receives competent consideration and effective senatorial services, right?

Outrageously, the packet of material callously sent by your office includes copies of canned, computer-generated FTC letters to other constituents identified in that worthless correspondence. Clearly, the Senator couldn’t care less about the privacy of her constituents. … Indeed, proof-positive, Ms. Hutchison is callously unconcerned with abuse of information not only by credit reporting agencies, but even in her office.

The following issues have been conveniently ignored by the Senator since October 14, 2004:

First, Experian has fraudulently altered this writer’s File Explanatory Statement three times over the last year. -- A statement well-within FCRA and FTC guidelines that was deliberately and fraudulently altered to protect the identities of corrupt and abusive corporations.

Second, Experian has refused to permanently remove this writer from mailing lists, cynically demanding further non-germane personal information to do so.

Third, Baptist Air Life, Datasearch, and Alexander Billing and Consulting posted fraudulently-obtained personal information because: 1) this writer refused to answer questions unrelated to the medically-required $10,000 helicopter flight to the burn center, and 2) refused consent to a demanded future property search.

Fourth, CSC Credit Services and Equifax continue to stonewall all correspondence from this writer and have refused to post the File Explanatory Statement as allowed by FCRA and FTC regulations, -- and well within guidelines. CSC disingenuously demands further personal information that this writer has not, and will not, provide. … Neither to them, Experian, or any other credit reporting agency (CRA.)

These four issues, as well as others described in earlier correspondence, need to be fully investigated by FTC. Yet, the Senator has refused to pressure FTC to investigate individual cases. Particularly, this one. Why? Why is Ms. Hutchison deliberately protecting and coddling outrageously corrupt and abusive corporations that have posted fraudulently-obtained data? Intentionally, shafted a burn survivor who refused to provide information not germane to injuries, and refused consent to a demanded future property search?

Worse, the Senator has filed no legislation redressing these outrageous credit reporting agency abuses. Clearly, she has no interest in these abuses. … Nor does she have any interest in civil and constitutional rights and liberties, -- as demonstrated by her support of outrageously unconstitutional legislation such as the USA "Patriot" Act, Homeland "Security" Act, "Real" ID Act, etc., and other equally unconstitutional Executive Orders all cleverly designed to eviscerate the Fourth, Fifth, Sixth, and Eighth Amendments. … Falsely, in the name of "national security."

The ultimate threat to "national security" comes not from al Qaeda or any foreign adversary. Rather, it comes from outrageously unresponsive, corrupt and abusive government at all levels. … As Republicans clearly learned, or should have learned, after the shellacking the GOP received during recent midterms.

The Senator and/or her office have repeatedly refused to answer the most critical question of all. If not the Federal Trade Commission, who is responsible for investigating and prosecuting individual complaints against outrageously corrupt and abusive CRAs? The U.S. Attorney? If not, precisely who? If no one, who protects ordinary citizens against fraud deliberately perpetrated by outrageously corrupt and abusive credit reporting agencies?

Again, why has the Senator refused to introduce legislation to correct this terrible injustice against millions victimized by these lawless corporations designed only to serve themselves and the business community, certainly not consumers? Upon re-launch of this publication, correspondence from all parties will be published on the website. After all, the public must be made aware of how corrupt and abusive corporations have deliberately abused a burn survivor, and precisely how the Senator has done absolutely nothing to date to correct the injustice.

… Has taken absolutely no personal interest. Has exerted no pressure on FTC. Has introduced no legislation to correct these abuses. Sadly, the senior Senator from Texas, will continue be exposed to her constituents for exactly what she is. -- A pawn and servant of outrageously corrupt and abusive corporations.

After 49 letters, and counting, the Senator is not able to claim ignorance. Nor is she able to blame inept, unresponsive staff. After all, the buck indeed stops with the Senator. … Think Texans will ever wake up and hold outrageously corrupt and abusive politicians accountable, -- notwithstanding Texas GOP midterm successes?

Perhaps, additional prosecutions of congressional and Bush "Administration" staffers and officials may indeed shed a little unwanted light, no? … As may Democratic Congressional investigations to be launched in the new Congress. -- Not that Democrats are any better than their GOP brethren, however.


Tim Chorney, Publisher
Liberty In Peril
Formerly, The Llano Ledger
P.O. Box 997
Buchanan Dam, Texas 78609

Cc: 1)File-Document To Be Posted On Liberty In Peril Website Upon Re-Launch
       2)Austin American-Statesman