Sen. Kay Bailey Hutchison
United States Senate
Washington, DC 20510-4304

February 17, 2005

Re: Twelfth Update To October 14, 2004 Correspondence

Dear Senator:

The following is additional correspondence germane to this writer's earlier letter of October 14. Transunion continues to stonewall as described in the attached correspondence.

Experian continues to fraudulently post a File Explanatory Statement submitted by this writer that was outrageously and criminally altered by one of its employees, now falsely, inexplicably, and ludicrously re-labeling it a "Creditor's statement." It is time for a criminal investigation and prosecution. Yet, your office remains silent.

Furthermore, CSC Credit Services has yet to respond to an earlier letter of complaint, dated November 7 and forwarded to you. Apparently, the criminals at this abusive corporation are egregiously stonewalling the issue and have no intention of responding. Yet, your office remains silent.

The continued unsigned, canned, computer-generated form letter response of "credit" reporting agencies to all correspondence, as well as the criminally clever shell game played, is serious indication of the desperate need for congressional oversight and change. Yet, your office remains deafeningly silent.

You and your colleagues have allowed this nation-wide, population-wide fiasco to progress unchecked. Citizens do not know who has what information and where. No standards enforced. No one prosecuted on an individual basis. Not one piece of correspondence from these criminal corporations was personally signed. Not one. -- The criminals gutlessly hide behind the mantle of anonymity. Yet, Congress remains silent.

Worse, Choicepoint considers itself an "intelligence" agency, since government and law enforcement routinely obtain private information from this outrageously abusive corporation. … Information that no citizen has knowingly or willingly given them permission to collect or disclose.

Now, a hacker has stolen Choicepoint data and created a false identity crisis for well over a hundred thousand consumers. With no federal law requiring this outrageous corporation to inform victims. Yet, Congress remains deafeningly silent.

-- As repeatedly stated in earlier correspondence, criminals at Experian and Transunion until January 12, 2005 had taken actions, regarding two fraudulent listings, directly opposite of one another.

… Proof-positive, the "credit" reporting industry is incapable of posting accurate information, serves only itself and the best interests of the business community. Certainly, not consumers. Yet, Congress remains gutlessly silent.

Sadly, Senator, we live in a fascist police state. Aided and abetted by outrageously unconstitutional laws that egregiously violate privacy, civil liberties, and constitutional rights. -- Statutes such as the USA "Patriot" Act, Homeland "Security" Act, and a number of equally unconstitutional Executive Orders. … As Franklin wisely stated over two hundred years ago, anyone willing to trade liberty for security deserves and winds up with neither.

Sadly, Senator, you and your colleagues are part of the problem. To date, the issues, including the criminal alteration and fraudulent posting of the File Explanatory Statement, remain unresolved. Ignored.

Why hasn't your office pressured an outrageously unresponsive Federal Trade Commission to thoroughly investigate these matters?

If not the Commission, precisely who in government is responsible for investigating and prosecuting individual complaints against criminal employees of "credit" reporting agencies?

Better check your reports, Senator. Anyone is subject to the abuse and fraudulent activity these criminal agencies wantonly engage in. -- Reportedly, 70% of all listings are false.

Finally and respectfully, Senator, are you and your equally unresponsive colleagues politically beholden to the "credit" reporting "industry?" Is that the problem? … Or is it only "generous" corporate lobbyist "bribes" that secure your attention and that of your fellow legislators?


Tim Chorney, Publisher
Liberty In Peril
Formerly, The Llano Ledger
P.O. Box 997
Buchanan Dam, Texas 78609

Cc: File


Fraud Victim Assistance
1561 E. Orangethorpe Avenue
Fullerton, CA 92831-5207

February 17, 2005

Re: File #129971556-Fraudulent Information Release-Transunion

Dear Sir or Madam:

Your gutlessly unsigned, outrageously untimely, canned, computer-generated form letter of February 11, 2005 received February 17, remains outrageously unresponsive to this writer's earlier letter of January 28, -- and others.

Your use of three different mailing addresses, egregious failure to personally identify the sender of each piece of canned "correspondence", is exceptionally cowardly and designed to hide the identity of the Transunion employees engaged in fraudulent criminal behavior.

Sadly, the tactical employment of anonymity used by all "credit" reporting agencies (CRAs) and the amusing shell game played by each to obfuscate the truth are highly indicative of the criminal nature and tactics used by Transunion and its "competitors." … Can't dazzle 'em with brilliance, baffle 'em with BS.

Clearly, you still do not verify accuracy of fraudulently released information. Had you bothered to do so, you would have immediately ascertained the telephone number fraudulently provided by Alltel is false. This writer has no phone. … Then again, don't confuse the criminals at "credit" reporting agencies with the truth. Right? Yet, you continue to fraudulently list the non-existent number. Why?

Experian has rightfully chosen to delete the fraudulent Alltel request for a "credit check" on the "credit" report, -- fraudulently and deceptively obtained by Alltel under false pretenses. Why haven't the fraudulent criminals at Transunion followed suit?

The fact two "credit" reporting agencies can't agree, doing directly the opposite with the same two fraudulent listings, is proof-positive the "credit" reporting system is hopelessly fraudulent and grossly inaccurate.

Proof-positive, the "credit" reporting industry is incapable of posting accurate non-fraudulent information, serves only itself and the best interests of the business community. Certainly, not consumers.

… Amazing, the white-collar thugs at two major corrupt corporations can't get their fraudulent stories straight, isn't it? Would be laughable, if not so damned pathetic.

As stated in earlier letters, this entire criminal matter will have to be resolved by the offices of U.S. Sen. Kay Bailey Hutchison, the Texas Attorney General, and the U.S. Attorney. It will also be widely circulated in the media regardless of outcome. The public must protect itself from the fraudulent criminals at "credit" reporting agencies. Predators, who must be exposed for what they are.

Kindly continue to send unsigned, computer-generated, outrageously unresponsive "correspondence" to continuing, unanswered criminal accusations. … Certainly, confirms inherent, systemic corruption within Transunion. Also, usefully provides further evidence of ongoing criminal activity. Sadly, criminal and congressional investigations of Transunion and other "credit" reporting agencies are desperately warranted and badly needed.

Without question, citizens must be protected from the criminal thugs at Transunion and other CRAs. Sadly, the fraudulent listings, (in this case alone, at several different CRAs this writer is currently aware of), are staggering and impossible to correct without additional help from a U.S. Senator and the U.S. Attorney. -- Directly due to outrageous stonewalling, anonymity afforded criminal employees, and the amusing shell game played by the criminal thugs at "credit" reporting agencies.

While this writer has not, and will not ever seek credit, can only imagine what those that do must be enduring. … With "credit" reporting agencies who have absolutely no regard for truth and accurate reports.

Again, the continued unsigned, unresponsive, canned, computer-generated form letter response of "credit" reporting agencies to all correspondence, as well as the criminally clever shell game played, is serious indication of the desperate need for criminal prosecution. Be sure to kindly continue stonewalling, sending similarly fraudulent material so it all may be forwarded to the U.S. Attorney.


Tim Chorney
P.O. Box 997
Buchanan Dam, Texas 78609

Cc: 1) Sen. Kay Bailey Hutchison; 2) File