***Publisher's Note: With rare exception, the cowardly failure of the community to financially support this publication is stunningly pitiful and selfish. Worse yet, the sickening defense and excuse of cowardice by some is appalling. If readers care so little for this community and each other, why should I? T.C.***

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been made to improve your jail or to ensure safer conditions in your jail since this incident arose? Did you have new screens put in the windows? Did you have new bars put in the windows? Did you have any other changes other than the ones you've spoken about?
A. I've had some doors repaired, some other doors.
Q. Are these doors on the third floor?
A. Yes.
Q. Have you made any changes to or ordered any changes to the supervision of inmate trustees?
A. I don't know what you're talking about.
Q. Let me --
A. Okay.
Q. -- try and rephrase that.
A. Sure.
Q. It's getting late, and I know I'm not as articulate as I was this morning. Have you given any directive to your chief jailer or your other jailers regarding how they should supervise inmate trustees? Have you asked them to increase the supervision or decrease the supervison of inmate trustees since this incident?
A. Oh, yes.
Q. Which one is it?
A. I've asked them to, you know, increase the
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supervision on the trustees, especially when they go outside and dump the trash. And I've got a jailer that looks out the window and watches, and we can shift our camera over on the dumpster and they can watch.
Q. All right, sir.
(Off The Record)
Questions By Ms. Jones:
Q. In addition to your request for a written policy on inmate trustee selection, have you asked for any other written policies to be drafted regarding jail operation?
A. No.
Q. That's the only one that you've asked for --
a. Yeah.
Q. -- up to this point?
A. Yeah.
Q. Sheriff Garrett, have you understood most of my questions today?
A. I think so.
Q. And the ones that you didn't understand did you ask me to repeat or rephrase?
A. Yes, yes, ma'am.
Ms. Jones: I believe that's all the questions I have at this time. I'll reserve the rest till the time of trial.
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Mr. Nelson: We'll reserve our questions until trial.
Ms. Lockhart: And I'll reserve my questions till trial.
Mr. Crenshaw: Me, too.
Ms. Jones: Thank you very much.
The Videographer: We're off the record at 3:04 p.m.
(Whereupon the deposition concluded at 3:04 o'clock p.m., Saturday, May 9, 1998.)