Liberty In Peril


                                                                                       The Llano Ledger

Second Amendment                           9-13-19 And Continuing   ©2019 All Rights Reserved


The following matter is of great concern.  Not only because it involves a neo-nazi group that presents an exigent threat, but can be wantonly abused by government to abrogate the Second Amendment rights of all.  That is, the last best defense against outrageously corrupt and abusive government.  NBC News reports:

"Firearms belonging to the suspected leader of a neo-Nazi group who was thought to be preparing for a "race war" have been seized under a "red flag" law in Washington state, according to court documents. Authorities removed five rifles, three pistols and other gun components from Kaleb James Cole, 24, under a state law that allows authorities to take guns from people deemed to be a risk to themselves or others for up to a year, authorities said. Cole has not been charged with any crime."

That's a problem.  A big problem.  No question, the Nazi Right presents an exigent threat to life, liberty, all civil and constitutional rights and liberties.  At the same time, 'red flag' laws are egregiously unconstitutional.

Can, have, and will be used by corrupt and abusive government to abrogate the last best defense against corrupt and abusive government:  the Second Amendment.

-- I.e., one of the most important rights of law abiding citizens who are and remain the ultimate masters of government in a democratic republic as envisioned by the Founders.

Certainly, not the goddamned corporate management suite who currently runs and owns its bought and paid for shills at all levels of government.

"Seattle City Attorney Pete Holmes believes the seizure, which court documents indicate happened Sept. 26, may have prevented a massacre."

No question, that may be true.  There is, however, a far greater principle involved here.  Far more at stake.  If this outrageously unconstitutional law is abused by corrupt and abusive government, the entire nation is placed at risk.  Could wind up under the boot of a dictator.  With no effective way to resist.  No way to fight back.  Democrats seem to have forgotten freedom is not free.

Always a cost to be paid, sometimes incredibly steep.  Some will wind up killed at the hands of criminals who use firearms to perpetrate their crimes.  Some have already been murdered at the hands of the criminal jackbooted bastards in blue.  Think that justifies summarily forfeiting our last best defense against out of control, corrupt and abusive government? Forget?  Precisely, why the Founders included the Second Amendment in the Bill of Rights.

"This is a hate-filled human being, but unfortunately one who possesses really alarming numbers of weapons," Holmes said."

Hate, certainly a factor in both the community and law enforcement.  Moreover, who is to define how many weapons are too many?  Who?  Many law-abiding collectors own massive collections.  Conveniently, forget?  Law enforcement is exceptionally well-armed.  Certainly has a recent history of murdering innocent, unarmed civilians with virtual impunity.  No problem with that?

"Prosecutors filed a lawsuit against Cole invoking the state’s red flag law and seeking an "extreme risk protection order." Seventeen states and Washington, D.C. have laws allowing family members or police to remove weapons from people who may be dangerous, according to The Pew Charitable Trusts."

Sets a dangerous precedent that can wind up becoming an exigent threat to a democratic republic.

"The National Rifle Association has opposed some current protection order laws, arguing they deprive gun owners of due process."

Sadly, they all do.  Worse?  Provide a false sense of security.

"Cole is a self-admitted member of the "Atomwaffen Division" — which the Southern Poverty Law Center says is a terroristic national socialist organization that believes in using violence for “apocalyptic, racial cleansing” — and is thought to be the leader of the Washington state chapter, Seattle police said in its petition for the court order. Police believe Cole participated in recent firearm training and recruitment efforts at “hate camps,” which officials say he helped organize. "It appears that he has gone from espousing hate to now taking active steps or preparation for an impending 'race war,'" Seattle police said in the petition. Included with the police petition were a cellphone photo of Cole giving the Nazi salute, and another of him and another person standing in front of the Auschwitz death camp in Poland."

No question, this piece of shit is a despicable national socialist, fascist, a nazi.  In our democratic republic, none of that is illegal.  Precisely, why this piece of crap has not been prosecuted.  Until he breaks the law, will not be prosecuted.

Readers are reminded the ACLU was strongly criticized back in the Sixties for legally defending the nazi element and its constitutional First Amendment right to hold rallies.  The ACLU did it for one reason and one reason only.  Today, the nazis.  Tomorrow, who's next?

"Cole was stopped as he arrived at Chicago’s O’Hare Airport in December 2018 after a 25-day trip to eastern Europe, and officials then noted that he had been identified in an article as being Atomwaffen’s Washington state chapter leader, Customs and Border Protection said in documents attached to the petition. Cole allegedly admitted his membership, and CBP wrote in its report that he "stated that he shares a fascist ideology, 'strong dominate the weak.'"

So does the Trump nazi.  So do his henchmen.  Although extremely, unconscionably despicable, it is not illegal to have such beliefs and to express them.  First Amendment.  It is also the First Amendment that permits ferocious non-violent criticism of these pieces of human excrement and their perverse ideology.

"But that report also said that Cole told officials he discourages members from doing anything illegal and that his group is not interested in the overthrow of the U.S. government. He said he owned an AK-47 and several handguns for protection. Cole was released after being questioned, the report says. Cole was deported from Canada earlier this year because officials there felt he was a member of an organization that may engage in terrorism, Seattle police said in its petition for the extreme risk protection order. Cole is said to have been barred from Canada for life. King County Prosecutor Dan Satterberg told NBC affiliate KING of Seattle that in addition to the weapons seized, which included what he characterized as military-style assault rifles, components and tools that could be used to make untraceable firearms were also found."

Had he broke the law, the nazi son of a bitch would have been quickly arrested and charged.  Rightfully, so.  He had not done so.  Precisely, why unconstitutional 'red flag' laws were employed by the jackbooted bastards in blue and the judge.  Question to be asked, who's next?

"Satterberg said that much of the material presented to the judge was information already on the Internet and involved statements by Cole. "It wasn’t anything super-secret that we had to tell the judge. It was just: 'here’s what this guy’s about, he’s leading other people in practicing and informing a potentially violent cell that would act on their white supremacist views,'" Satterberg told the station. "So, that was enough to convince this judge that at least temporarily — let’s take a time out. Let’s take these guns out and see what we’ve got here," he said. "It isn't a crime, he’s not being charged, he’s not in jail ... it is a way to slow things down."

That alone is extremely dangerous.  Sets a dangerous precedent.  Presents an exigent threat of loss of constitutional rights without due process, no trial by jury.  On the whim of law enforcement, a judge, and/or family members who hold a grudge.  'Red flag' laws are ripe for abuse.

"The NRA's Institute for Legislative Action denied media reports that suggested the group supports red flag laws as they exist in some states, and it said it opposes such laws because they do not protect due process rights. "We will only support an ERPO process that strongly protects both Second Amendment rights and due process rights at the same time," the NRA said in January."

Again, freedom is not free.  Some of us will get killed by the criminal element through the illegal use of firearms.  -- The steep price sometimes paid for liberty.

Cowardly fail to financially and/or materially support those fighting for all civil and constitutional rights and liberties at great personal cost and risk?  Get what you truly deserve.


Fear, not reason, rules in a fascist police-state.  NPR reports:

"There is widespread support among Americans — Democrats, Republicans and gun owners alike — for a number of initiatives to curb gun violence they would like to see Congress pass, according to a new NPR/PBS NewsHour/Marist Poll."

So what?  The public is not thinking straight.  Has succumbed to fear whipped up by Democrats.

"Laws that would screen for the types of people who could use a gun are broadly popular, but when it comes to bans on certain types of weapons and ammunition, a divide emerges."

The Second Amendment is abundantly clear.  The public has the right to bear arms.  Don't like the Amendment?  Tough shit.  You need to amend the Constitution in order to constitutionally remove this exceptionally precious right.  Not do so by fiat, statute, Executive Order, etc.  Would be outrageously unconstitutional to do so.

"Increasing funding for mental health screenings and treatment, universal background checks, red flag laws and requiring gun licenses all get broad bipartisan support as well as the support of a majority of gun owners. (Red flag laws, also known as extreme-risk protection orders, allow police or family members to request that a judge temporarily remove guns from people who may be a danger to themselves or others.)"

What do Democrats want?  A mental health screening before purchase of a firearm?  Think that will prevent a mass shooting?  How about red flag laws?  Think that wouldn't be abused to remove firearms from those not politically correct?

Or extremely critical of government?  Think a background check will prevent a massacre when firearms are ubiquitous, can easily be bought on the street?  Despite the best effort of the law enforcement community.  Wake up.  Before too late.

New restrictions on firearms are no more than 'symbolism over substance.'  Will enable a delusional, frightened citizenry to falsely believe something has been done about the root cause of all this violence when in fact nothing has been done.

Instead, law-abiding citizens will wind up having their Second Amendment rights abrogated.  All in an effort to ensure a gutless public delusionally believes the violence will summarily end.   The problem is not gun control.  It is a country coming apart at the seams.

Hopelessly, divided.  A financial system, --zero-sum, winner-take-all.  Middle class, -- vanishing.  Recent massacres?  Low-grade insurrection.  All, a portend of far worse to come.  ... Hear the rumble?  An unwanted, dreaded second American revolution.

"You'd be hard-pressed to find something where the gap between public sentiment and legislative action or inaction is wider because you've got a clear consensus across party lines," said Lee Miringoff, director of the Marist Institute for Public Opinion, which conducted the poll. "The gap is huge, and the congressional crowd is very much out of step with where public opinion is on this. And therein lies the frustration [of many Americans], as the frequency of these shootings increases."

Tough shit.  About the only thing Republicans have done right recently is defend the Second Amendment.  -- Democrats, abortion rights.  Sad, isn't it?  The bottom line here is remarkably simple.  Hopelessly delusional Democrats remain hell-bent on doing something, anything to reduce the carnage of mass murders.

Matters not that what is proposed will do nothing to end the violence.  Only abrogate the rights of law-abiding citizens who wish to exercise their Second Amendment rights.  No more than feel-good legislation that will do nothing to resolve the issue or lessen the violence.

Matters not to rabid Democrats that doing so is nothing more than taking a raucous hard dump on the Second Amendment, and/or other precious rights guarantied by the Bill of Rights.  Indeed, a most slippery slope begging the question what's the next right to be eviscerated?

Seem to have forgotten liberty is not free.  Always a price to be paid.  Often a steep one.  The Founders clearly understood this.  Both parties seem to have conveniently forgotten.  -- Whether it's Republicans dictating to a woman what she can and cannot do with HER uterus, or Democrats eviscerating the Second Amendment.

Moreover, no way will Democrats ever disarm the American public.  Won't happen.  Expansion of background checks to private sales won't fly, won't work.  They'll continue no matter the law.  Regardless, it's none of this government's business who owns what and where it's located.  Believe government isn't retaining this data?

Liberty is indeed dangerous. Some of us will die as a result of criminal activity perpetrated by use of firearms.  That certainly doesn't negate the true purpose of the Second Amendment, -- the last best defense against corrupt, abusive, murderous government.

With a well-armed public as intended by the Founders, the citizenry would have the ability to resist long-term against outrageously out of control, corrupt, abusive government.  Without it, defeat would be quick and permanent.  Liberty forever eviscerated.

Cowardly fail to financially and/or materially support those fighting for all civil and constitutional rights and liberties at great personal cost and risk?  Get what you truly deserve.

Tim Chorney, Publisher
Liberty In Peril

Tim Chorney, Publisher
Liberty In Peril
The Llano Ledger
P.O. Box 151
Buchanan Dam, Texas 78609
United States Of America